SDG Conference Bergen 2025: Sustainable health in turbulent times
The SDG Conference 2025 will be a dynamic event, combining inspiring and provocative prompts for discussion about sustainable health by experts from a diversity of backgrounds. Interactive sessions will challenge attendees to push the boundaries of how we think about health in these turbulent times.

Main content
Good health and wellbeing are integral to the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, interacting with various dimensions such as climate, biodiversity, justice, and equity. The COP28 UAE Declaration on Climate and Health, supported by over 120 governments and significant funding, underscores the necessity of integrating health into sustainability efforts.
However, health systems face unprecedented challenges from global conflicts, ecosystem degradation, and inequities, necessitating a fundamental transformation in how health and wellbeing are understood and delivered.
The SDG Conference Bergen 2025 aims to drive this transformation by fostering a broader view of health through keynotes, panel debates, and interactive formats. The conference will highlight Norway’s role in advancing global health and climate initiatives, emphasizing the need for cross-sectoral action and international cooperation.
Participants will engage with key stakeholders to explore leverage points and dilemmas for sustainable health, focusing on the intersections of climate, health, and sustainability.
Read the conference concept note here
Please note that programme details may be subject to change and will be updated continuously.
See the programme below. All times are Central European Time (CET).
5 February 2025 Day Zero
6 February 2025
Conference moderator: Ishita Barua (MD/PhD)
- Margareth Hagen, Rector, University of Bergen
- Kaja Ingdal Hovdenak, President, National Union of Students in Norway
Artistic contribution:
- Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen, Professor, University of Bergen
SESSION 1: (09:20-10:45) |
Sustainable health in turbulent times - The complex interconnections between health, people and planet
Setting the premise for the rest of the conference, the first session will provide a broad overview of the complex interconnections between health, people and planet today. Among other issues, this will include how climate change, biodiversity loss, and large-scale environmental degradation impede efforts to achieve health and wellbeing for all, perspectives on the sociocultural drivers and determinants of good health and environmental integrity, and the role of politics in this complex landscape.
- Joyeeta Gupta, Distinguished Professor of Climate Justice, Sustainability and Global Constitutionalism, University of Amsterdam
- Kamran Abbasi, Professor, Editor-in-chief of the British Medical Journal
- Silje Wangberg, Professor of Public Health at the Department of Health and Caring Sciences,, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
BREAK: (10:45-11:00) |
An opportunity to catch up with other conference participants.
SESSION 2: (11:00-12:15) |
How do we move from knowledge to action?
Session 2: How do we move from knowledge to action?
During the second session, we will explore the transition from knowledge to action for sustainable health. Prompted by provocations from speakers with diverse perspectives, conference attendees will explore the tensions and ambiguities that arise between ethics, the need for decision-making, and the imperative to transform our understanding and practice of health and care.
- Dr Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, Head of the Climate Change and Health unit, World Health Organization
- Eivind Engebretsen, Professor of Health Science, University of Oslo
- Birgit Kopainsky, Professor of System Dynamics, Department of Geography, UiB@
LUNCH AND EXHIBITION: (12:15-13:00) |
“The Road Ahead” by Professor Ashley Booth and Assistant Professor Bente Irminger, University of Bergen
SESSION 3: (13:00-14:15) |
Collaboration and learning across sectors and countries to advance health
Starting out from the comparison of international and Norwegian initiatives for sustainable health, session three will focus on the critical role of international and cross-sectoral collaboration and learning. Here, both mutual support and critique will be considered essential tools in collaboration and learning as participants explore dilemmas and essential levers to be turned if we are to improve the health of people and the planet.
- Dr Eduardo Samo Gudo, Director General, National Institute of Health, Mozambique
- Guri Rørtveit, Director General, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
- Mariann Hornnes, Acting Director General of Health, Norway
- Erlend T. Aasheim, Director of Global Health and Health Intelligence, Norwegian Directorate of Health
BREAK: (14:15-14:30) |
An opportunity to catch up with other conference participants.
SESSION 4: (14:30-15:45) |
Kartlegging av veien videre: Utfordringer og muligheter for Norge
I den siste sesjonen av konferansen vil vi rette fokus mot Norge for å avdekke spesifikke utfordringer og muligheter i vår nasjonale kontekst, og prøve lage en visjon for veien videre. Diskusjonen i panelet vil ta for seg hvordan ansvar både deles og fordeles i samfunnet og hvordan det å ta ansvar danner grunnlaget for å oppnå bærekraftig helse i den turbulente tiden vi lever i i dag.
Norge i verden
- Usman Ahmad Mushtaq, Statssekretær, Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet
- Hanne Lossius, anestesilege M.D, PhD, og journalist
- Kaja Ingdal Hovdenak, President, Norsk studentorganisasjon
- Erling Moxnes, Professor systemdynamikk, Universitetet i Bergen
Verden i Norge
- Common Ground Project, Presentasjon av Åsil Bøthun, Professor, Fakultet for kunst, musikk og design, Universitetet i Bergen
- Marius Omland, Ungdomsrådet Helse Bergen
- Matilla Berger, Legenes klimaaksjon
- Tora Bonnevie, Førsteamanuensis, NTNU
AVSLUTNING: (15:45-16:15) |
- Benedicte Carlsen, Viserektor for forskning og internasjonale relasjoner, Universitetet i Bergen
- Astrid Sinnes, Viserektor for bærekraft, Noregs miljø- og biovitskapelege universitet
- Inna Marja Amundsen, Student, Universitetet i Stavanger