Norwegian Competence Center for Gambling and Gaming Research

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Nordic Gambling Research Network – Gambling in Context (GAMIC) 18-19 November 2021 in Bergen

Call for abstracts, Nordic register data and gambling research - data and methodology - Workshop 2

A good research network is essential for future development, continuity and coherence of gambling research across the Nordic countries. Financed by the Swedish Research Council, the primary objective of GAMIC is accordingly to form a strong Nordic gambling research network involving senior and junior researchers and integrating existing national networks with aim of eliciting a strong and interdisciplinary Nordic contribution to the gambling research field.


Main content

The overall aim is to bring together researchers from the Nordic countries to discuss, compare and present research that capture the broader socio-political, technological and cultural factors that influence gambling practices and potential problems to nurture interdisciplinary and comparative research, to develop new research ideas and to lay grounds for a consortium initiating joint research. The proposed project entails development of a Nordic infrastructure and meeting place for junior and senior researchers within the gambling field. The work will focus on expanding collaboration between different countries and research environments in the Nordic region as well as promote and encourage ongoing and new research in this area. The workshops are free of charge and open for registration from Nordic gambling researchers. Presenters with accepted papers will get their travel and accommodation expenses covered by the network. Abstract acceptance will be based on content, available space, and overall program balance.

Workshop 2, Nordic register data and gambling research - data and methodology (November 18, 2021, Bergen, Norway)

All Nordic countries have well-kept health registers. To which extent information about gaming and gambling problems are included in these are not well-known. While national studies provides general information estimates of the prevalence and incidence of problem gambling, at present any systematic Nordic overview of large health surveys or other surveys in terms of information about gambling and gaming data does not exist. In addition, as registered gambling is becoming an integrated part of responsible gambling approaches, the possibility to link player account data with health registry data, becomes an obvious possibility, however one that can be materialized specifically and with promising value in the Nordic countries. Also, within the existing health registries information about gambling diagnosis is to be found, which can be linked with data from a wide range of different health registries. Hence, this workshop will explore the existence of large datasets in the Nordic countries containing data about gambling and gaming behavior, the possibility to include questions about gambling and gaming in large national health surveys, the utilization of player account data and the link between player account data and health registry data within the Nordic countries. In addition, ideas for using existing health registry data relevant for gambling research should be explored. This workshop aims at exploring and demonstrating the potential for Nordic gambling research in utilizing and combining existing data registers available in the Nordic countries as well as integrating player account data and other player data from gaming providers in Nordic gambling research projects. Pursuing this aim, we will discuss a set of pertinent questions, for example:

  • What are the major potentials and obstacles in combining player account data from gambling providers with register data?
  • How may use of different types of register data available in the Nordic countries improve understandings of risk factors associated with gambling problems?
  • How may the use of register data from available Nordic registers strengthen understanding of the social impacts of gambling?
  • To which degree can questions about gambling be incorporated into current and future large/national health surveys?

Please register and submit your abstract of a maximum of 250 words before September 1, 2021. Registration

Friday, November 19, there will be a workshop on gambling and covid-19. The workshop will be led by Tony Leino (University of Bergen). An established Nordic network on research on gambling and covid-19 will be presented, together with information about a related pan-Nordic research project on this topic. Presentations of preliminary results and discussions about data access/sharing will be conducted. If anyone wants to present on this workshop related to gambling and covid-19 specifically, please contact: tony.leino@uib.no