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Jenny Ostrop

Senior Academic Librarian, Research support, Library contact for mathematics and computer science

I am the library contact for mathematics and computer science, providing courses and guidance in information literacy, literature search, scholarly publishing, and reference management for students and researchers. You can ask for individual guidance ("book a librarian"), teaching classes from the library, send me an email with your request, or come to my office at the Natural Science Library for a chat.

As part of the research support team, I provide guidance on Open Science, Research Data, and Research Data Management. We regularly provide courses, e.g. on Data Management Planning (DMP), FAIR and open research data, and reuse of research data. You can find upcoming courses in the calender or request a tailored course.
Please feel free to contact us at research-data@uib.no if you have questions or to arrange an appointment.

From October 2023-2024, I am leading the project Data Management Plans: Support package for Norwegian higher education libraries funded by the National Library.

My PhD and postdoctoral research were in the field of cell- and molecular biology and immunology.

I teach and provide training for students and researchers on different aspects of information literacy, reference management, Open Science practices, FAIR research data, and Research Data Management. Some of my presentations are available on Zenodo.

I am certified Software Carpentry instructor, which I teach at the UiB Library Digital Lab.

Please see ORCID profile for complete list: 0000-0003-2752-8377

  • Show author(s) (2023). Competency framework for development of Research Data Support Services.
  • Show author(s) (2022). UB-BOTT-samarbeid om datahåndteringsplaner: kartlegging og anbefalinger. .
  • Show author(s) (2022). Teaching data literacy - Data competency for subject librarians.
  • Show author(s) (2022). Kompetanserammeverk for forskningsdatastøtte i UH-bibliotek. .
  • Show author(s) (2022). Kompetanse for forskningsdatastøtte i fag- og forskningsbibliotek.
  • Show author(s) (2022). Finding and reusing research data.
  • Show author(s) (2022). Divergent Regulation of Decidual Oxidative-Stress Response by NRF2 and KEAP1 in Preeclampsia with and without Fetal Growth Restriction. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
  • Show author(s) (2022). BMP signaling in the intestinal epithelium drives a critical feedback loop to restrain IL-13-driven tuft cell hyperplasia. Science immunology.
  • Show author(s) (2022). Arqus Openness Position Paper. .
  • Show author(s) (2021). Patient derived colonoids as drug testing platforms-Critical importance of oxygen concentration. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 1-15.
  • Show author(s) (2021). Decidual and placental NOD1 is associated with inflammation in normal and preeclamptic pregnancies . Placenta. 23-31.
  • Show author(s) (2021). A semi-automated organoid screening method demonstrates epigenetic control of intestinal epithelial differentiation. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 1-20.
  • Show author(s) (2020). LSD1 represses a neonatal/reparative gene program in adult intestinal epithelium. Science Advances. 15 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2017). Contact, Collaboration, Conflict: Signal Integration of Syk-coupled C-type Lectin Receptors. Journal of Immunology. 1403-1414.
  • Show author(s) (2016). Stat6-dependent inhibition of mincle expression in mouse and human antigen-presenting cells by the Th2 cytokine IL-4. Frontiers in Immunology.
  • Show author(s) (2016). MINCLE-SYK signalling contributes to activation of primary human antigen-presenting cells by mycobacterial cord factor and the novel adjuvant TDB.
  • Show author(s) (2015). Contribution of MINCLE-SYK Signaling to Activation of Primary Human APCs by Mycobacterial Cord Factor and the Novel Adjuvant TDB. Journal of Immunology. 2417-2428.
  • Show author(s) (2015). Activation of human antigen-presenting cells by the mycobacterial cord factor and its glycolipid adjuvant analogue trehalose-6,6’-dibehenate.

More information in national current research information system (CRIStin)