Master's presentation
Master's presentation by Amalie Johannessen: "Fauna of Ægir Hydrothermal Vent Field"
Amalie Johannessen will present her master's thesis on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, at 13:15 in Inkubatoren (439C1), Høyteknologisenteret, to obtain her degree Master of Science in Biology, specialization Marine Biology.
Main content
Thesis title: Fauna of Ægir Hydrothermal Vent Field
Main supervisor: Mari Heggernes Eilertsen (UiB, Department of Biological Sciences)
Co-supervisor: Jon Anders Kongsrud (UiB, University Museum)
Exam committee
External examiner: Jon T. Hestetun (NORCE)
Internal examiner: Lise Øvreås (UiB, Department of Biological Sciences)
Everyone interested are welcome!