Upcoming events at the university
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Week 41
Ongoing events 9th October (4)
Build Systems Course and Hackathon (Course - IT)
2 more days
More Than Meets AI (Exhibition)
2 more weeks
Early Human Behaviour (Exhibition)
8 more weeks
BIT Teatergarasjen 40 Years (Exhibition)
Ends at 31.12.2024
Tomorrow 10th October (1)
Friday 11th October (7)
PhD defense: Austin James Rayford (Disputation)
Trial Lecture: Johannes Sandvik Førde (Trial lecture)
Trial lecture: Siri Dalsmo Berge (Trial lecture)
Public Defense: Johannes Sandvik Førde (Disputation)
Doctoral dissertation defense: Siri Dalsmo Berge (Disputation)
Week 42
Monday 14th October (1)
PhD defense: Sturla Magnus Grøndal (Disputation)
Tuesday 15th October (3)
Getting started with LaTeX (Course)
Registration deadline: 11.10.2024 at 12:00
Registration deadline: 11.10.2024 at 12:00
The Humanities Library, Haakon Sheteligs plass 7 (Seminar room 1, 1. Floor)
Τhe Reception of Ibsen in Greece: Gendered Perspectives and Translational Approaches (Book release)
The Norwegian Institute at Athens; Tsami Karatasou 5, 11742, Athens, Greece
16th October (2)
17th October (7)
A User's Guide To Authenticity Is a Feeling av PME-ART/Jacob Wren (performance foredrag, Oktoberdans festival) (Presentation)
CORE Lecture: Are Online Political Influencers Accelerating Democratic Deconsolidation? (Rachel Gibson) (Guest lecture)
A User's Guide To Authenticity Is a Feeling av PME-ART/Jacob Wren (performance foredrag, Oktoberdans festival) (Presentation)
The Origins of Art and Symbolism in the Southern Cape, South Africa (Lecture)
The Norwegian Institute at Athens; Tsami Karatasou 5, 11742, Athens, Greece
18th October (6)
Two Public Lectures: The Cross-National Project on Positive Youth Development (CN-PYD) (Guest lecture)
How to manage and share sensitive research data (Course)
Registration deadline: 17.10.2024 at 12:00
Registration deadline: 17.10.2024 at 12:00
Week 43
21st October (2)
23rd October (1)
Course in PubMed and Embase on October 23, 2024 (Course)
Registration deadline: 18.10.2024 at 23:59
Registration deadline: 18.10.2024 at 23:59
24th October (3)
Copyright for photographs in practice (Course)
Registration deadline: 21.10.2024 at 12:00
Registration deadline: 21.10.2024 at 12:00
The Humanities Library, Haakon Sheteligs plass 7 (The Digital Lab, 0. Flo...
25th October (2)
26th October (2)
Week 44
28th October (1)
29th October (1)
The how and why of UiB - and why it matters to you (Course)
Registration deadline: 28.10.2024 at 14:30
Registration deadline: 28.10.2024 at 14:30
30th October (3)
Introduction to EndNote 21 for medicine and health sciences on October 30, 2024 (Course)
Registration deadline: 25.10.2024 at 23:59
Registration deadline: 25.10.2024 at 23:59
CET Lunch: Climate science at the European Court of Human Rights: What's in it for Norway? (Seminar)
Orientation course for new international employees (Course)
Registration deadline: 25.10.2024 at 23:59
Registration deadline: 25.10.2024 at 23:59
31st October (5)
Trial Lecture: Alexander Verdoes (Trial lecture)
Public defense: Alexander Verdoes (Disputation)
Week 45
5th November (2)
The offshore wind conference Science Meets Industry 2024 (Conference)
Registration deadline: 04.11.2024 at 16:00
Registration deadline: 04.11.2024 at 16:00
6th November (1)
Introduction to Zotero (medical and health sciences) on November 6, 2024 (Course)
Registration deadline: 01.11.2024 at 23:59
Registration deadline: 01.11.2024 at 23:59
7th November (1)
8th November (1)
Week 46
11th November (1)
Software Carpentry course in research computing skills (Course)
Registration deadline: 06.11.2024 at 12:00
Registration deadline: 06.11.2024 at 12:00
12th November (2)
15th November (4)
Symposium for Per Selle - Social Science and the Study of Civil Society and Indigenous Politics (Seminar)
Registration deadline: 07.11.2024 at 23:55
Registration deadline: 07.11.2024 at 23:55
Research Data Management (RDM) in the Active Phase of Research (Course)
Registration deadline: 14.11.2024 at 12:00
Registration deadline: 14.11.2024 at 12:00
Software Carpentry course in research computing skills (Course)
Registration deadline: 06.11.2024 at 12:00
Registration deadline: 06.11.2024 at 12:00
Week 47
22nd November (1)
Microplastics and Human Health: Sources, Exposure, and Impact (Meeting)
Registration deadline: 17.11.2024 at 23:55
Registration deadline: 17.11.2024 at 23:55
Week 48
25th November (1)
27th November (2)
CET Lunch: Nuclear renaissance in Norway?! A study of Norwegian media coverage of nuclear energy. (Seminar)
28th November (2)
29th November (1)
1st December (1)
Week 49
5th December (1)
Orientation course for new international employees (Course)
Registration deadline: 29.11.2024 at 23:59
Registration deadline: 29.11.2024 at 23:59
Week 50
13th December (1)
Week 01
31st December (1)
Week 11
13th March (2)
Week 19
7th May (1)
CCBIONeur910: Patient and Public Involvement in Medical and Health Research, 2025 (Course)
Starts - Event ends at 09.05.2025
Starts - Event ends at 09.05.2025