CCBIO Seminar – Emmet McCormack
Welcome to a CCBIO Seminar with CCBIO PI Emmet McCormack. This is a digital event in Zoom, so you can participate from wherever your are. Open to the public. Title: “Imaging preclinical tumour models: improving translational power”
Main content
Speaker: Emmet McCormack, Department of Clinical Science / CCBIO, University of Bergen.
Title: “Imaging preclinical tumour models: improving translational power”
Bio: Emmet Mc Cormack is professor of pharmaceutics at the university of Bergen, adjunct professor at university of Tromsø and principal investigator at CCBIO. His research focusses primarily on development of preclinical models of cancer, particularly haematolgical malignancies, ovarian and pancreatic cancers, combined with the development of preclinical imaging modalities.
Abstract: The current dogma of rushing novel pharmaceuticals through inappropriate preclinical models is one of the major reasons for the limited clinical penetration of novel drugs. Despite this, the preclinical step in drug development is generally overlooked and models are chosen to fit the desired result, rather than using them as valuable tools to drive clinical development. Here I will present our groups ongoing work on development, characterisation and application of clinically relevant models and multimodal molecular imaging strategies, and how we believe judicious application of these technologies can expedite clinical development of novel therapeutics.
Time: September 30 at 14.30
Place: Digital event in a Zoom webinar. Link as audience:
If asked for a passcode, use: 9ZEzecdq
Host: Bjørn Tore Gjertsen
Zoom practicalities:
Note: Please change any username to your name when logging in, so that chair can address you by name if you have questions.
- Your sound and video will be turned off as default for security reasons, and only host can de-mute individual participants.
- We will open for questions after the lecture, where you can use the Raise hand function, or type your question in Chat. Host will then de-mute your sound and address you by your name (please log on with your name).
- If you think you might want to ask questions, please test your microphone beforehand. Make sure your microphone is turned on. (Or ask host to read out your typed question).
- We advise all to have a Zoom account on your device beforehand (free service), that will save you some minutes when logging on.
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