Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO
JUSS – CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium

CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium

Welcome to the CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium December 6th! Lunch is included, just remember to register.

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Dear all

We are happy to welcome you all to the CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium, December 6, 2023. This seminar series is a perfect place to meet and interact with other young scientists. We anticipate lively and interesting discussion also this time. We are looking forward to the keynote lecture by CCBIO Professor Daniela Costea, who will share her story about how and why she ended up in cancer research. The program spans several exiting topics including preclinical development of new therapeutics in mantle cell lymphoma, the link between salivary gland manifestation and renal disease in Sjøgren’s Syndrome and how brain-blood derived exosomes may act as biomarkers in multiple sclerosis (MS). A novel tool for spatial analyses of the tumour microenvironment will also be presented.

Please register within December 4th at 11.00. 

When: December 6, 2023 at 09.00-13.00
Where: Auditorium B302, Sentralblokken, Haukeland University Hospital 3rd floor
Registration: on this link
Open to both junior and senior researchers as well as students.


09.00-09.15: Introduction 
09.15-10.00: “My Path in the World of Cancer Research” Keynote lecture by Professor Daniela Costea
10.00-10.20: Coffee break 

10.20-10.45: “Preclinical development of novel therapeutics in Mantle Cell Lymphoma” by May Eriksen Gjerstad

10.45-11.10: “Sjögren's syndrome- Assessment of salivary gland manifestations and their association with renal disease” by Hanne Borge

11.10-12:00 Lunch (free of charge, register within December 4th at 11.00) 
12:00-12:25: “Brain-derived blood exosomes - a potential for new biomarkers in multiple sclerosis: Pilot study results from relapsing MS patients under anti-CD20 therapy” by Shamundeeswari Anandan

12:25-12:50: “Spatial analysis of the cancer tissue microenvironment using mass cytometry imaging technologies” by Rezvan Ehsani

12:50-13:00: Concluding remarks 

Mari Kyllesø Halle and Vladan Milosevic are coordinators of the junior seminars, and are planning and chairing these meetings. Any questions can be addressed to them.