Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO

CCBIO908 Scientific Writing and Communication Seminar 2025

We are continuing the success from earlier years, a seminar in Scientific Writing May 20-21, 2025, in the extended CCBIO/Harvard INTPART collaboration. Open for all.

a doctor writing on a laptop.

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CCBIO is happy to be inviting you to a seminar in scientific writing and communication, May 20–21, 2025. The seminar is open for all (requires registration). 

The course is part of the extended CCBIO/INTPART program, where students’ education and exchange are promoted through collaboration between CCBIO and the Boston based Harvard Medical School and Harvard Kennedy School. Erling Høivik is currently coordinating the program. The course is a part of CCBIO's Research School, with course ID CCBIO908; Scientific Writing and Communication.

Learn how to:

  • Organize ideas, results and messages in a scientific paper
  • Improve titles and abstracts
  • Present a clear problem statement
  • Use punctuation, grammar and numbering in a text
  • Write an informative and convincing cover letter

The course will also present and discuss what is good research communication.

Even with the introduction of AI, there is something to learn for all of us! We strongly encourage students at all levels, including postdocs, to prioritize this and attend! Senior staff are also very welcome. The seminar is also open to national and nordic visitors, and is free of charge.


Christine Møller, an experienced lecturer in medical and scientific writing with many years of experience as assistant editor of APMIS (Acta Pathologica Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica).

Randy Watnick, assistant professor at the Vascular Biology Program, Harvard Medical School.

Media Advisor Marion Solheim will be adding a lecture on science presentation, showing how to make a presentation stick - in a good way. 

Program: Not yet available. 


Deadline for ECTS providing registration is February 1, 2025. If you are already enrolled at the University of Bergen (UiB), you register through Studentweb. If you are not enrolled at the UiB and resides in one of the Nordic countries, and need the ECTS, you register through this link where you simultaneously apply for UiB guest student status (also deadline Feb. 1). 

If you don't need the ECTS (studiepoeng) registered as part of an education/degree, and just want to join the lectures for professional update, you register through through this separate link. (This is a non-ECTS link.)

Where: Birkhaugsalen, Sentralblokka 3rd floor, Haukeland University Hospital. In person attendance.

When: May 20–21, 2025. 

Who: Open for all, but if the course gets fully booked, participants are included based on first-come, first-served, with priority to ECTS-providing attendance.

Credits: This course provides 2 ECTS. You need to be registered as a student at the University of Bergen to get the ECTS registered.

Contact: If you have any questions, please contact academic responsible Erling Høivik, erling.hoivik@uib.no