Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO

CCBIO focuses on Ethics and Prioritization in new PhD course

The CCBIO Research School's new PhD course on the Ethical, Economic and Social Aspects of Cancer Research, CCBIO 903, is open for enlistment.

The Justicia statue

Main content

Facing life and death decisions

Researchers and clinicians in the field of cancer research and care face important dilemmas every day, regarding for instance the prioritisation of research questions, or the choice between treatments for a patient. These dilemmas, involving both ethical considerations and health economics, can decide upon life and death for individual patients.

The PhD course CCBIO 903 aims to give the opportunity to PhD candidates within cancer research to discuss these dilemmas. In particular, the course will focus on aspects such as how to assess the cost-effectiveness of cancer biomarkers, how to make medical decisions when surrounded by risks, uncertainties and even ignorance, what the ‘good life’ can actually mean, and what the future may hold for cancer research.

As the course is designed to be participatory, PhD candidates will be invited to reflect upon the ethical, economic and social aspects of their own research, in interaction with scholars and other students as well as in an essay.

The course is led by Professor John Cairns from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Professor Roger Strand and post-doc Anne Blanchard, the latter two from the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities at the University of Bergen. All three are affiliated with CCBIO.


More information





If you, after reading through the poster and web page, have any questions regarding the course please feel free to contact:

Administrative matters: Solveig Lund Witsø – solveig.witso@uib.no

Course content: Anne Blanchard – anne.blanchard@uib.no