5 reasons to apply for a workspace at CET
"If you want to be included in a great academic and social environment then CET is a great place to write your thesis"

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Did you know that CET has a workspace for master students writing about climate and energy transformation? We have been lucky to have two groups of engaged and motivated master’s students with us the past couple of years. We spoke with our 2019 group as they packed up their spaces and prepared for new adventures. Here is what Marita, Marianne, Per Gunnar and Håvard had to say about writing their theses at CET.
Five reasons why you should consider applying for a workspace at CET:
1. Interdisciplinary & international:
CET is an interdisciplinary and international research hub. On the 6th floor, you will meet researchers and employees with backgrounds from Psychology, Human Geography, System Dynamics, Media and Communications, Political Science, Economic History and more. As well as an affiliate research network of around 50 researchers from NORCE, UiB and NHH.
Per Gunnar Sakseid, Master student in Human Geography says:
- The interdisciplinarity at CET is priceless! It is exciting to gain insight into the same theme from different angles, as it is very easy to be locked into your discipline. Here there is a focus on interdisciplinary projects and this is a huge advantage that gave exciting insights for my thesis...
...and life, Håvard Bjørnstad shoots in with a smile.
Being an international research centre, English is often spoken at our seminars, meetings and social settings.
2. Fly on the wall at a research centre:
As a master's student at CET, you are encouraged to take an active role in the research centre’s day-to-day activities. From our Monday meetings to seminars and conferences.
- At CET you get insight into how it is to work in academia and you see how they collaborate and what type of projects they are working on. Especially how it is to work as a PhD fellow. This has prompted thoughts about the future and provided a good foundation in whether or not I want to continue in academia," says Marita Johansen, Master's student in Health Psychology.
- We are treated as colleagues and are encouraged to join in the lunch seminars and get to know the research environment. You get a lot closer than if you sit in one of the larger working rooms," Per Gunnar adds.
3. Academic input
At CET we have an active exchange of knowledge. Some of the activities you are encouraged to join in include:
- Annual master seminar: Master students present their theses for researchers in the Affiliated network. A great opportunity to receive feedback before they submit.
- CET Lunch Seminars: Most Wednesdays between 12.15pm – 1 pm we invite researchers to present what they are working on while eating lunch. The presentations are short so there is ample time for discussions.
- Work-in-progress seminars: Researchers read each other drafts for feedback and discussions around articles and projects in progress.
- Workshops, conferences and seminars in our network.
We also have a tradition of having lunch together where lively discussions are a regular occurrence.
4. Social and professional network
CET is a social place to be. We are a young centre with a core group who often find time for social outings. Whether it be the CEThike group on their monthly hike or our monthly after-work dinners. Not forgetting the most important meeting of the week: Friday 2 pm – The Cake Meeting.
- To be included both professionally and socially is something I have highly appreciated. It almost feels a little exclusive to be here like it is something unique", says Marianne Willassen, human geography master student.
- If you want to be included in a great academic and social environment then CET is a great place to write your thesis", Marianne emphasises.
The network created at CET is not only social but can be an important building block for a career, for both academic careers and other fields.
5. A permanent workspace
We have 4 spaces available at CET and they are permanent spaces for the selected students. We are located on the 6th floor of the social sciences building – Lauritz Meltzers House. The centre also has access to two meeting rooms with video conference equipment and a lunchroom. With a (mostly) open-door policy there is always someone to have an engaging conversation with.
Lastly, Marita has a strong encouragement for the new students sitting at CET:
- Get involved! Join the workshops and lunch seminars that are organised. You learn so much from them. I have learned so much the year I have been at CET. Especially when it comes to climate, my knowledge has expanded vastly. If you have an interest in climate research then CET is the place to be.
So, what are you waiting for? Applications for a working space at CET are now open. Deadline August 25!