Highlights from 2020
We are pleased to share with you the CET Annual Report 2020. Although 2020 was a year with huge global challenges, the centre continues to grow and develop new projects and engagement in societal transformation. Read our highlights pamphlet below and download the full annual report.
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Read the CET annual report 2020 here.
2020 has been a challenging year for many and it has required a lot of creativity, adaptation and patience from our network. As the CET director Håvard Haarstad addresses in the opening words of the annual report:
- The past year revealed a lot about societal transformation. We witnessed how quickly the taken for granted realities of life can change. In Norway, we saw how society can mobilize against a common threat, and how – when the urgency is clearly communicated by leaders – drastic policy measures are accepted and acted upon. We also saw how the burdens of disruption and rapid change are unequally distributed, and most severely affect those who are already vulnerable.
- These lessons of the pandemic are not lost on us who study the potential for societal transformation in response to the climate challenge. Of course, many climate researchers argue that the climate crisis should be met with the same urgency. The experience so far is instead that climate action remains incremental and full of compromises.
The Annual report 2020 has been structured around the core themes: People – demonstrating how we have strengthened research capacity at the centre, Research – our engagement in new projects and project development, Knowledge – presenting our publications for the past year, and Outreach – highlighting how we have engaged in communication, organizing meeting places, and education.