Geography is focused on the connections between environment, nature and society. We study contemporary topics such as green transformation, climate change, natural hazards, global inequalities, climate and energy transformation, food security and natural resource management. Education and research at the department is organised into four research areas:
Study Master at Department of Geography
Eleven tents, three holes, and one bathtub - How to observe the ocean below a 400 m thick, floating ice shelf in Antarctica
Statsraaden Bar & Reception, Bradbenken 2
Hybrid: Zoom or CET - Rio 4.17, Christies gt 18, 4th floor
CET Lunch: Who sets the agenda? (In)visible voices in the climate news (Seminar)
Hybrid: Zoom or CET - Rio 4.17, Christies gt 18, 4th floor
CET Lunch: Adapting Legacy Institutions to New Challenges in Public Transport: A Comparison of Formal & Informal Institutions in Cross-Agency Transit Coordination in the US & Europe (Seminar)
Hybrid: Zoom or CET - Rio 4.17, Christies gt 18, 4th floor
CET Lunch: Nuclear renaissance in Norway?! A study of Norwegian media coverage of nuclear energy. (Seminar)
I encourage new geography students to approach the subject with a curious and open mind and they would enjoy their studies and acquire useful training for life and career.
John Akanvariyuei Agandin
Research Officer