CET Affiliate Esmeralda Colombo received CET Accelerator funding to create a special three-part podcast series ClimatenergyTalk! Hear the first episode "The Role of Scientists for Deep Decarbonization" now!

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The first episode of the special three-part podcast series #ClimatenergyTalk! was launched on Friday the 21st of May. The series is hosted by CET Affiliate Esmeralda Colombo and produced by Mainstream in Bergen.
The series discusses environmental concerns and solutions for Bergen and greater Norway and is launched in conjunction with the upcoming Climate Festival in Bergen on the 5th - 12th of June.
The first episode "The Role of Scientists for Deep Decarbonization" features Associate Professor Kjetil Rommetveit from the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities. Kjetil takes us onto a journey to discover how social and natural scientists are working together across sectors to support policymaking — often to better up national and global climate politics, and offer new perspectives on reality. He is the editor of the book 'Post-truth Imaginations' forthcoming on Routledge in 2021.
Download here on podbean or search for CET Klimasnakk on your favourite podcast app.
The series is supported by CET, with funding from the "ideas and communications" CET Accelerator funding. Find out how you can also apply for CET Accelerator funding here.
This series is also endorsed by both Norsk klimastiftelse and Juridika!