Department of Cultural History

The Archaeological Collection

The archaeological objects are our primary source for knowledge of prehistoric people and societies.

Spenne Osterøy

Main content

The Universitymuseum has one of the largest archaoleogical collections in the country.

The Stone Age Collection: Objects and dokumentation of the first people whe setteled along the long coastloine of Norway after the last Ice Age, until the introduction of agriculture (ca. 4000 years ago)
The Bronze Age Collection: Objects from the Bronze Age 1800 BC until 500 BC.  
The Early Iron  Age Collection: Objects from burials and settlements from 500 BC until ca 550 AD. This was a prosperous period with both economic and population growth, and a rich material culture. 
The Late Iron Age collection: Consist of objects from the period ca 550 AD until the start of medieval times in Norway (1030 AD). Most objects in this collection are from The viking period (793 - 1030 AD). 
The Medieval Collection: Objects from the period 1030 until the reformation in 1537 AD. The museum has a large collection of medieval Church Art. The objects from the Bryggen excavations are exhibited at Bryggens museum.