Department of Economics

Faculty seminar with Simone Hackl

Welcome to Faculty seminar with Assistant Professor Simone Hackl

Simone Hackl

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Welcome to seminar with Assistant Professor Simone Hackl

Webpage: Simone Hackl

The title of her talk is


Effects of Supportive Leadership Behaviors on Work Satisfaction, Engagement, and Performance: An Experimental Field Investigation.


The seminar is Friday 1245-1400 in the seminar room of the department (room 327).


If you would like to meet Simone, please contact Thomas de Haan.


For those of you who do not have a UiB-affiliation: currently you have to use a key card in the elevator to get to the department on the second floor. We are working to have this requirement removed during office hours, but for now, please contact someone in the faculty if you want to attend the seminar

