Publications from FUTURES
During the recent years, the researchers of FUTURES and the previous “Egalitarianism: Forms, Processes, Comparisons” project have produced an impressive number of important publications.

Main content
Below is a list of publications related to the Egalitarian Futures Research Group (FUTURES) and the “Egalitarianism: Forms, Processes, Comparisons” project going from 2014-2019.
The publications include monographs, edited volumes, journal articles, book chapters, review articles, book reviews, blog posts, popular scientific articles, newspaper articles, and interviews.
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge and Ruy Llera Blanes, eds 2021Utopian confluences: anthropological mappings of generative politics. Special section of Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, 29(1): 5-173
2021 [with Jason Sumich] Just out of reach: Imminence, meaning and political ontology in Mozambique. Current Anthropology, 62(3): 287-308. DOI: 10.1086/714268.
2021 A lesser human? Utopic registers of urban reconfiguration in Maputo, Mozambique. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, 29(1): 87-107 [Open Access]
2021 [with Ruy Llera Blanes] Utopian confluences: anthropological mappings of generative politics. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, 29(1): 5-17. [Open Access]
2021 "Letter from Maputo: Migration, Ambulation and Urban Reconfiguration". Parangolé 1(1): 86-93.
Salem, Tomas
Salem, Tomas, and Erika Robb Larkins. "Violent masculinities: Gendered dynamics of policing in Rio de Janeiro." American Ethnologist 48.1 (2021): 65-79.
Mogseth, Martin Eggen
Mogseth, Martin E. (2021). Donor-Conceived Personsʼ Pasts, Presents, and Futures: A Field Study from California. Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning, 45(2-3): 141-154
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge
2020 [with Tomas Salem] Emergent Police States. Racialized pacification and police moralism from Rio’s favelas to Bolsonaro. Conflict and Society, 6(1): 86-107. [Open Access]
2020 [with Morten Nielsen and Jason Sumich] Enclaving: Spatial Detachment as an Aesthetics of Imagination in an urban sub-Saharan African context. Urban Studies, .
Gold, Marina
Marina Gold & Alessandro Zagato, eds. 2020. After the Pink Tide. Corporate State Formation and New Egalitarianisms in Latin America. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books. Available in full text.
Gressgård, Randi
Gressgård, Randi and Lozic, Vanja (2020): "The shifting status of failure and possibility: Resilience and the 'shift' in partnership-organized prevention in Sweden". Politics 40(3): 332–347.
Rio, Knut M.
Rio, Knut. 2020. 'The body-fetish and its destruction: Spiritual control in Africa and Melanesia ', in eds. Ø. Fuglerud and M.L. Lindhagen, Negotiating Memory from the Romans to the 21st Century: Damnatio Memoriae. London: Routledge.
Salem, Tomas
Salem, Tomas, and Bjørn Enge Bertelsen. "Emergent Police States: Racialized Pacification and Police Moralism from Rio's Favelas to Bolsonaro." Conflict and Society 6.1 (2020): 86-107.
Ystanes, Margit, and Tomas Salem. "Introduction: Exceptionalism and Necropolitical Security Dynamics in Olympic Rio de Janeiro." Conflict and Society 6.1 (2020): 52-67.
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge. 2019 [with Knut Rio] 1968 and its other worlds: Global events and (anti-) state dynamics in France, Mozambique and Vanuatu. History and Anthropology, 30(5): 622-643. DOI: 10.1080/02757206.2018.1524759 [Open Access]
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge. 2019 Life at the End of Time: A Note on Comparison, ‘Pentecost’ and the Trobriands. In Annelin Eriksen, Ruy Llera Blanes and Michelle MacCarthy (eds) Going to Pentecost: An Experimental Approach to Studies in Pentecostalism. New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 193-200.
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge. 2019 [with Sindre Bangstad and Heiko Henkel] The politics of affect: Anthropological perspectives on the rise of far-right and right-wing populism in the West. Focaalblog 14. March 2019. [Open Access. Part 1 of a AAA discussion]
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge. 2019 [with Sindre Bangstad and Heiko Henkel] The politics of affect. Perspectives on the rise of the far-right and right-wing populism in the West. Focaal: journal of global and historical anthropology, 83: 98-113. [Open Access. Part 2 of a AAA discussion]
Eriksen, Annelin
Eriksen, A., Blanes, R. L., & MacCarthy, M. 2019. Going to Pentecost: An Experimental Approach to Studies in Pentecostalism (Vol. 7). Berghahn Books.
Eriksen, A. & MacCarthy, M. 2019. Charismatic Churches, Revivalism and New Religious Movements. In The Melanesian World (pp. 345-358). Routledge.
Eriksen, A., & Jacobsen, C. M. 2019. On feminist critique and how the ontological turn is queering anthropology. In Queering Knowledge (pp. 148-167). Routledge.
Gressgård, Randi
Gressgård, Randi (2019): "The racialized death-politics of urban resilience governance". Social Identities 25(1): 11–25.
Kapferer, Bruce
Kapferer, Bruce. 2019. Crisis and communitas: Victor Turner and social process. Anthropology Today, 35(5), 1–2.
Kapferer, Bruce & Theodossopoulos, Dimitrios. 2019. Democracy’s Paradox: Populism and its Contemporary Crisis. Berghahn Books. Available here.
Rio, Knut M.
Rio, Knut. 2019. [with Bjørn Enge Bertelsen] 1968 and its other worlds: Global events and (anti-)state dynamics in France, Mozambique and Vanuatu. History and Anthropology, 30(5): 622-643. DOI: 10.1080/02757206.2018.1524759 [Open Access]
Rio, Knut. 2019. [with Theodoros Rakopoulos] Towards an Anthropology of Wealth: Imagination, Substance, Value (Vol. 1). Routledge. Available here.
Rio, Knut. 2019. ‘The Transformation of Hierarchy Following Christian Conversion in Vanuatu’. Anthropological Forum: a journal of social anthropology and comparative sociology, Volume 29(3) s. 319-334
Rio, Knut. 2019. ‘‘Witchcraft’ and ‘Sorcery’ in Melanesia’. In The Melanesian World, edited by Eric Hirsch and Will Rollason, pp.333-344. London: Taylor& Francis.
Rio, Knut. 2019. ‘Wealth versus money in Pentecost:Why is money good? In Annelin Eriksen, Ruy Llera Blanes and Michelle MacCarthy (eds) Going to Pentecost: An Experimental Approach to Studies in Pentecostalism. New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 193-200. [Open Access]
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge. 2018 [with Knut Rio] Anthropology and 1968: Openings and Closures. Anthropology Today, 34(2): 9-13. [Open Access]
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge. 2018. Composing texts and the composition of uprisings: Notes on writing the postcolonial political. In Morten Nielsen and Nigel Rapport (eds) The Composition of Anthropology: How Anthropological Texts Are Written. London: Routledge, pp. 56-72.
Gold, Marina
Gold, Marina. 2018. Moral Anthropology, Human Rights and Egalitarianism: The AAA boycott of Israeli Academics. In Moral Anthropology: Critical Interventions. A Forum of Social Analysis.
Kapferer, Bruce
Kapferer, Bruce & Gold, Mariana, eds. 2018. Moral Anthropology: A Critique. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books.
Kapferer, Bruce, ed. 2018. Nation State: Transitions and Transformation in the context of Globalization. London: Sean Kingston Publications.
Kapferer, Bruce [co-written with Roshan De Silva-Wijeraratne]. 2018. “Chapter 10: Buddhist Cosmological Forms and the Situation of Total Terror in Sri Lanka’s Ethnic Civil War”. In Nation State: Transitions and Transformation in the context of Globalization. Edited by Bruce Kapferer. London: Sean Kingston Publications.
Kapferer, Bruce. 2018. “Crises of Power and the State in Global Realities”. In Nation State: Transitions and Transformation in the context of Globalization. Edited by Bruce Kapferer. London: Sean Kingston Publications.
Kapferer, Bruce. 2018. Anthropology at risk. Anthropology Today, 34(6), 1–2.
Rakopoulos, Theodoros
Rakopoulos, Theodoros & Rio, Knut, eds. 2018. Special issue: Reimagining Wealth: Anthropological Explorations. History and Anthropology, 29(3).
Rakopoulos, Theodoros & Rio, Knut. 2018. Introduction to an anthropology of wealth. History and Anthropology, 29(3), 275-291.
Rio, Knut M.
Rio, Knut M. 2018 [with Bjørn Enge Bertelsen] Anthropology and 1968: Openings and Closures. Anthropology Today, 34(2): 9-13. [Open Access]
Rakopoulos, Theodoros and Knut Rio (eds.) 2018. Special Issue of History and Anthropology 29(3) – titled Reimagining Wealth: Anthropological Explorations – with Introduction by Knut Rio and Theodoros Rakopoulos: ‘Introduction to an anthropology of wealth’. [Open Access]
Szolucha, Anna
Szolucha, Anna, ed. 2018. Energy, Resource Extraction and Society: Impacts and Contested Futures. Routledge.
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge. 2017. German Pentecostal Witches and Communists: The violence of purity and sameness. In Knut Rio, Michelle MacCarthy and Ruy Llera Blanes (eds) Pentecostalism and Witchcraft in Melanesia and Africa. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 37-65.
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge. 2017. Efervescência efémera: levantamentos populares urbanos em Moçambique. In Luís de Brito (ed.) Agora eles têm medo de nós! - Uma colectânea de textos sobre as revoltas populares em Moçambique (2008-2012). Maputo: Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos (IESE), pp. 124-152.
Raman, Ravi
Raman, Ravi. 2017. Subaltern Modernity: Kerala, the eastern theatre of resistance in the global south. Sociology 51(1) 91–110. DOI: 10.1177/0038038516660041
Rio, Knut M.
Rio, Knut, MacCarthy, M., & Blanes, R. (Eds.). 2017. Pentecostalism and Witchcraft: Spiritual Warfare in Africa and Melanesia. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. [Open Access]
Rio, Knut 2017. ‘Demand-sharing and fences: Aspects of the new Port Vila household’, In Journal de la Société des Océanistes vol. 144-145: 257-272. [Available here]
Vadakkyinyil, Dinesan
Vadakkyinyil, Dinesan. 2017. “From Customary Service to Paid Labour: Ethnography of the Dalit Labour Dynamics in Contemporary Malabar.” Draft report, p. 170.
Salem, Tomas
Salem, Tomas. "Diplomats or Warriors? The Failure of Rio's Pacification Project." NACLA Report on the Americas 49.3 (2017): 298-302.
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge. 2016 Violent Becomings: State Formation, Culture, and Power in Mozambique. New York: Berghahn Books, p. 332. [Open Access book]
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge. 2016. Valuable Subversions: Gendered Generativity and Sorcerous Production in Central Mozambique. Valuation Studies 4(1): 41-66. [Open Access] Available here.
Eriksen, Annelin
Eriksen, Annelin. 2016. Pentecostalism and egalitarianism in Melanesia: A reconsideration of the pentecostal gender paradox. Religion and Society 7(1):37-50.
Gold, Marina
Gold, Marina. 2016. Capitalist Ventures or Solidarity Networks? Self-employment in post-Soviet Cuba. In Anthropologies of Value. Cultures of accumulation across the global north and south. Edited by L. F. Angosto-Ferrández and G. H. Presterudstuen. London: Pluto Press, pp. 132-154.
Hjortsberg, Jacob
Hjortsberg, Jacob. 2016. 2016. Trump, Ostasien och företagsstatens idé. Arbetaren. 23 November 2016. Available at:
Kapferer, Bruce
Kapferer, Bruce. 2016. Brexit and Remain: A pox on all their houses. Blogpost at Focaalblog. 19.08.2016. Available here.
Kapferer, Bruce [et al]. 2016. The Trump Reality. Arena Magazine 145: 18-31 [URL: ]
Kapferer, Bruce. 2016. Comment on Joel Robbins’ “What is the matter with transcendence? On the place of religion in the new anthropology of ethics”. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 22(4): 790-795.
Kapferer, Bruce and Dimitrios Theodossopoulos, eds. 2016. Against Exoticism. Toward the Transcendence of Relativism and Universalism in Anthropology. New York: Berghahn Books, p. 154.
Kapferer, Bruce and Dimitrios Theodossopoulos. 2016. Introduction: Against Exoticism. In Against Exoticism. Toward the Transcendence of Relativism and Universalism in Anthropology. Edited by Bruce Kapferer and Dimitrios Theodossopoulos. New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 1-23.
Kapferer, Bruce and Dimitrios Theodossopoulos. 2016. Afterword. In Against Exoticism. Toward the Transcendence of Relativism and Universalism in Anthropology. Edited by Bruce Kapferer and Dimitrios Theodossopoulos. New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 137-145.
Myhre, Knut Christian
Myhre, Knut Christian. 2016. Membering and Dismembering: The Poetry and Relationality of Animal Bodies in Kilimanjaro. In Cutting and Connecting: ‘Afrinesian’ Perspectives on Networks, Relationality, and Exchange. Edited by Knut Christian Myhre. New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 114-131.
Myhre, Knut Christian. 2016. Introduction: Cutting and Connecting: ‘Afrinesian’ Perspectives on Networks, Relationality, and Exchange. In Cutting and Connecting: ‘Afrinesian’ Perspectives on Networks, Relationality, and Exchange. Edited by Knut Christian Myhre. New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 1-24.
Rakopoulos, Theodoros
Rakopoulos, Theodoros. 2016. Solidarity: The egalitarian tensions of a bridge-concept. Introduction to the special issue “The other side of crisis: Solidarity networks in Greece”, eds. Cabot, H. and T. Rakopoulos. Social Anthropology 24(2): 142-151.
Rakopoulos, Theodoros. 2016. On Crisis and Resistance. Review essay for: “The Age of Resistance”, by C. Douzinas and “Crucible of Resistance: Greece, the Eurozone and the World Economic Crisis”, by Christos Laskos and Tsakalotos, Euclid. Social Analysis: The International Journal of Social and Cultural Practice 60(1): 133-141.
Rakopoulos, Theodoros. 2016. Co-editor (with Heath Cabot). The other side of crisis: Solidarity networks in Greece. Social Anthropology 24(2), special issue.
Rakopoulos, Theodoros. 2016. Review for Knight, D., History, time and economic crisis in Greece, Palgrave (2015). Anthropological Quarterly, 88(3): 1025-1028.
Rakopoulos, Theodoros. 2016. The poetics of diaspora: Greek US voices. Review essay. Journal of Modern Greek Studies 34(1): 159-165.
Rakopoulos, Theodoros. 2016. The Anti-Middleman Movement in Greece. Global Dialogue: Newsletter for the international Sociological Association, 6(1). [URL:]
Rudi, Axel
Rudi, Axel. 2016. Radio interview about the situation of the Kurds. RadiOrakel. 6 July 2016. URL:
Rudi, Axel. 2016. Radio interview on the role of the PKK in Southern Kurdistan politics. KNNC News Station. 13 June 2016. URL: and
Scott, Rolf Erik
Scott, Rolf Erik. 2016. Reflections on the capitalistic reality of Freemont, Las Vegas. 10 minute film. University of Bergen.
Scott, Rolf Erik. 2016. The Global Self. Constituting the Self as a Point in a Grid-Based Global World. PhD Thesis. Dept. of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen, p. 307.
Scott, Rolf Erik. 2016. “Casino Cities-Las Vegas, Macau and Monaco!”. Web page article on Egalitarianism website:
Scott, Rolf Erik. 2016. “Grassroots Challenging ‘Liberal Democracies’.” Web page article on Egalitarianism website:
Scott, Rolf Erik. 2016. “Reflections on Charlie Hebdo and Comments in the American Anthropologist”. Web page article on Egalitarianism website:
Scott, Rolf Erik. 2016. “Revolution Through Practice and Fluid Relations”. Web page article on Egalitarianism website:
Scott, Rolf Erik. 2016. “The Manipal Centre and Professor Sundar Sarukkai”. Web page article on Egalitarianism website:
Styve, Maria Dyveke
Styve, Maria Dyveke. 2016. “An Ode to the Death of Europe and a Concerned Love Letter to Žižek.” CounterPunch 26.04.2016. Stable URL:
Szolucha, Anna
Szolucha, Anna. 2016. Real Democracy in the Occupy Movement: No Stable Ground. London: Routledge, p. 206.
Szolucha, Anna. 2016. The Human Dimension of Shale Gas Development: Towards a social impact assessment. London: 123pp. URL:
Szolucha, Anna. 2016. “Fracking and the price of democracy.” RepowerDemocracy blog, September 30 [based on Freedom of Information request]. URL:
Vadakkyinyil, Dinesan
Vadakkyinyil, Dinesan. 2016. “From Traditional Authority and Colonial Domination to New Social Dynamics: Has the Cosmic and Social Space of Teyyam changed through time?” Govt. Arts and Science College Research Journal, 7(1): 79-105. URL:
Vadakkyinyil, Dinesan [co-authored with Abdulla Anjillath]. 2016. “Communist Partiye Muslimngal Thiraskarichathu Enthukondu?” Samakalika Malayalam Vaarika. Vol. 19. Issue 48. 18 April.
Vadakkyinyil, Dinesan. 2016. “Paalamvali Chathiyalla, Nanakkedumalla”.
Vadakkyinyil, Dinesan. 2016. “Jaeera Ivideyundu; Naadubharikkunna AAnatham Theertha Uruvilakkinakathu”.
Zagato, Alessandro
Zagato, Alessandro. 2016. “After Ayotzinapa: building autonomy in a civil war.” Roarmag, 5 January. URL:
Zagato, Alessandro. 2016. “Teachers struggles and low intensity warfare in the south of Mexico”. Focaalblog, 25 July. URL:
Zagato, Alessandro. 2016. “Unterstützung für Vorschlag der Zapatisten, an Präsidentschaftswahl in Mexiko teilzunehmen” Amerika21, 19 October. URL:
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge. 2015. “The Spirit of the Laws in Mozambique” by Juan Obarrio. [Review article]. Anthropological Quarterly, 88(2):565-575.
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge. 2015. Anthropology, (in)equality and (in)egalitarianism. A comment to Harri Englund’s “Human Rights and African Airwaves. Mediating Equality on the Chichewa Radio”. Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, 40(1): 70-73.
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge [co-authored with Alessandro Zagato]. 2015. Introducion. In The Event of Charlie Hebdo. Imaginaries of Freedom and Control. Edited by Alessandro Zagato. New York: Berghahn books, pp. 1-11.
Gold, Marina
Gold, Marina. 2015. People and State in Socialist Cuba: Ideas and Practices of Revolution. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, p 236.
Hjortsberg, Jacob
Hjortsberg, Jacob. 2015. Moral, All-Too Moral: Satire, Morality, and Charlie Hebdo. In The Event of Charlie Hebdo: Imaginaries of freedom and control. Edited by Alessandro Zagato. London and New York: Critical Interventions, Berghahn, pp. 67-82
Hjortsberg, Jacob. 2015. Have We Really Entered the Age of Post-Capitalism? Counterpunch, September 16. Available at:
Kapferer, Bruce
Kapferer, Bruce. 2015. “When Is a Joke Not a Joke? The Paradox of Egalitarianism.” In The Event of Charlie Hebdo. Imaginaries of Freedom and Control. Edited by Alessandro Zagato. New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 93-114
Kapferer, Bruce and Lotte Meinert, eds. 2015. In the event. Toward an anthropology of generic moments. New York: Berghahn Books, p. 186.
Kapferer, Bruce. 2015. Introduction. In the Event—toward an Anthropology of Generic Moments. In In the event. Toward an anthropology of generic moments. Edited by Bruce Kapferer and Lotte Meinert. New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 1-28.
Korsbrekke, Mari Hanssen
Korsbrekke, Mari Hanssen. 2015. Where Were You, Charlie? Contesting Voices of Political Activism in the Wake of a Tragedy, in (ed.) Alessandro Zagato The Event of Charlie Hebdo: Imaginaries of freedom and control. New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 56-66
Rakopoulos, Theodoros
Rakopoulos, Theodoros. 2015. Solidarity Tensions: Informality and Sociality in the Greek Crisis. Social Analysis 59(3): 85-104.
Rakopoulos, Theodoros. 2015. Which Community for Cooperatives: Peasant Mobilisations, Mafia and the Problem of Community Participation in Sicilian Co-ops. Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology 71: 57-80.
Rakopoulos, Theodoros. 2015. On Blasphemy: The paradoxes of mocking and protecting God. In The Event of Charlie Hebdo: Imaginaries of freedom and control. Edited by Alessandro Zagato. New York: Berghahn books, pp. 83-92.
Rakopoulos, Theodoros. 2015. The Solidarity Economy in the Greek Crisis: Movementality, economic democracy and social reproduction. In Economy for and against Democracy. Edited by Keith Hart. London and New York: Berghahn, pp. 161-181.
Rakopoulos, Theodoros. 2015. Grecia: Al de la de la excepcion y entras solidaridad. Abaco, 83/84: 114-120. (In Spanish).
Rakopoulos, Theodoros. 2015. Solidarity, ethnography and the de-instituting of dissent. Occasional Papers, 6. Journal of Modern Greek Studies. Available at:
Rakopoulos, Theodoros. 2015. The future lasts a long time…or is it here already? The Left in power in Greece. FocaalBlog, 2 February. Available at:
Rakopoulos, Theodoros. 2015. Between event and ritual: the SYRIZA elections in Greece, Egalitarianism. Available at:
Rio, Knut M.
Rio, Knut M. 2015. The barbariat and democratic tolerance, in (ed.) Alessandro Zagato The Event of Charlie Hebdo: Imaginaries of freedom and control. New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 12-25.
Rudi, Axel
Rudi, Axel. 2015. Charlie Hebdo: The West and the Sacred. In The Event of Charlie Hebdo: Imaginaries of freedom and control. Edited by Alessandro Zagato. New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 25-35.
Styve, Maria Dyveke
Styve, Maria Dyveke. 2015. “The Thoughtcrimes of an Eight-Year-Old.” In The Event of Charlie Hebdo: Imaginaries of freedom and control. Edited by Alessandro Zagato. New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 36-42.
Styve, Maria Dyveke . 2015. Radio interview about the debt crisis in Greece. Dagsnytt atten, NRK [Radio], 03.06.2015. Stable URL:
Styve, Maria Dyveke. 2015. “Hellas betaler ikke IMF-avdrag tirsdag”. NRK [], 29.06.2015. Stable URL:
Styve, Maria Dyveke. 2015. “Tømmer greske bankar for pengar.” NRK [], 19.06.2015. Stable URL:
Szolucha, Anna
Szolucha, Anna. 2015. “Fracturing democracy? State, fracking and local power in Lancashire.” OpenDemocracy, July 28. URL:
Vadakkyinyil, Dinesan
Vadakkyinyil, Dinesan. 2015. “Charithram: Sasthravum Prayogavum: K.N. Ganeshinte Dhaishanika Jeevithathillekku Oru Nottam. Part I”. Ethirdisa, 4(3): 25-28 (January).
Vadakkyinyil, Dinesan. 2015. “Charithram: Sasthravum Prayogavum: K.N. Ganeshinte Dhaishanika Jeevithathillekku Oru Nottam. Part II”. Ethirdisa, 4(4): 3-40 (February).
Vadakkyinyil, Dinesan. 2015. “Arude Keralam? Charithra Rajanayile Bharanakooda Nizhalukal”. Madhyamam Weekly, 18(44), 9 November.
Vadakkyinyil, Dinesan [Co-authored with Abdulla Anjillath]. 2015. “Mathamillatha Kalathu Aadithelinja Theyyangal”. Samkalika Malayalam Varika, 19(29), 11 December.
Zagato, Alessandro
Zagato, Alessandro, ed. 2015. The Event of Charlie Hebdo. Imaginaries of Freedom and Control. Berghahn Books: New York, p. 114.
Zagato, Alessandro . 2015. Imaginaries of Violence and Surrogates for Politics. In The Event of Charlie Hebdo. Imaginaries of Freedom and Control. Edited by Alessandro Zagato. New York: Berghahn books, pp. 43 – 55.
Zagato, Alessandro [co-authored with Bjørn Enge Bertelsen]. 2015. Introduction: The Event of Charlie Hebdo— Imaginaries of Freedom and Control. InThe Event of Charlie Hebdo. Imaginaries of Freedom and Control. Edited by Alessandro Zagato. New York: Berghahn books, pp. 1-11.
Zagato, Alessandro. 2015. Poetics and Aesthetics in Zapatismo. The Farewell of Subcomandante Marcos. Seismopolite. Journal of Art and Politics, 11, June 2015. URL:
Zagato, Alessandro. 2015. Zapatizm’in Poetiği ve Estetiği: Marcos’un Vedası. Turkish translation of “Poetics and Aesthetics in Zapatismo. The Farewell of Subcomandante Marcos.” In E-Skop URL:
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge. 2014. Maize mill sorcery. Cosmologies of substance, production and accumulation in central Mozambique. In Martin Holbraad and Allen Abramson (eds) Framing Cosmologies: The Anthropology of Worlds. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 199-220.
Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge. 2014. Effervescence and Ephemerality: Popular Urban Uprisings in Mozambique. Ethnos DOI: 10.1080/00141844.2014.929596
Hasan, Mohammad Tareq
Hasan, Mohammad Tareq. 2014. Government Policies and the Genesis of Dispossession, Inequality and Marginalization in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh. International Journal of Arts & Sciences 7(5): 81–104. ISSN: 1944-6934.
Hasan, Mohammad Tareq. 2014. The Economic Frontiers and Minority Construction: The Case of the Khyang of Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh. In Proceedings of 9th International Academic Conference, edited by Klara Čermáková and Jiri Rotschedl. Czech Republic: International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences. ISBN 978-80-87927-00-7.
Hasan, Mohammad Tareq. 2014. Understanding Formation of Identities: The Case of the Khyang in Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh. Conference of International Journal of Arts and Sciences 7(3): 259-265. ISSN 1943-6114.
Kapferer, Bruce
Kapferer, Bruce. 2014. A Note on Gluckman’s 1930s Fieldwork in Natal. History in Africa – A Journal of Method 41: 147-154. [DOI: 10.1017/hia.2014.14]
Kapferer, Bruce. 2014. Back to the future. Descola’s neostructuralism. HAU Journal of Ethnographic Theory 4(3): 389-400. [DOI: 10.14318/hau4.3.026 ]
Kapferer, Bruce. 2014. Cosmology and the mythic in Kubrick’s 2001: the imaginary in the aesthetic of cinema. In Martin Holbraad and Allen Abramson (eds) Framing Cosmologies: The Anthropology of Worlds. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 278-309.
Kapferer, Bruce. 2014. 2001 and counting. Kubrick, Nietzsche, and anthropology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, p. 107.
Raman, Ravi
Raman, Ravi. 2014. Business, Ethnicity, Politics, and Imperial Interests: The United Planters’ Association of Southern India, 1893–1950. Business History Review 88 (Spring): 73–95. doi:10.1017/S0007680513001438
Rio, Knut M.
Rio, Knut M. 2014. A shared intentional space of Witch-Hunt and Sacrifice. Ethnos 79(3): 320–341.
Rio, Knut M. 2014. Melanesian Egalitarianism: The containment of hierarchy, in special issue titled ‘Dumont, Values, and Contemporary Cultural Change’ (eds.) Joel Robbins and Jukka Siikala. Anthropological Theory 14(2):169-191.
Rio, Knut M., and Annelin Eriksen 2014. ‘A New Man: The Cosmological Horizons of Development, Curses and Personhood in Vanuatu’, in A. Abramson and M. Holbraad Framing Cosmologies: The Anthropology of Worlds. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp 55-76.
Vadakkyinyil, Dinesan
Vadakkyinyil, Dinesan. 2014. Anushtanam, Kalam, Samooham: Teyyathine Adharamakki Chila Anweshanangal. SPCS, Kottayam. [A monograph in Malayalam language].
Zagato, Alessandro
Zagato, Alessandro . 2014. Rufián Revista, n. 17, January, “Estética de la Autonomía. Autonomía Estética”. [Editor of the special issue – in Spanish]. URL: