Master thesis presentations on offshore wind and prosumers
In order to tackle the increasing energy demand in a sustainable way it is necessary to adjust to new forms of energy production. Offshore wind production and self-production of (among others) solar energy are examples of alternatives that have the potential of being important contributors to sustainable energy production, both now and in the future.

Main content
NB! Because we have TWO presenters for this webinar, we will start the presentation at 12:00!
Abstract: The world´s energy demand is rising. At the same time, the world is continuously faced with challenges related to climate change. In order to tackle the increasing energy demand in a sustainable way it is necessary to adjust to new forms of energy production. Offshore wind production and self-production of (among others) solar energy are examples of alternatives that have the potential of being important contributors to sustainable energy production, both now and in the future. Wind and solar energy are also environmentally friendly renewable sources of energy that contribute to limiting greenhouse gas emissions while still generating energy.
Due to these clear advantages, offshore wind and prosumers should be promoted around the globe. Norway is commonly linked to oil and gas production and is an enormous exporter of these fossil energy sources. However, because of the climate change and the increased focus on environmentally friendly solutions, other forms of national energy production have emerged.
Because of this development, it is interesting to examine whether - and how - the legislation in Norway seeks to promote or facilitate these forms of alternative and environmentally friendly means of energy production. The webinar will elaborate on questions regarding offshore wind energy production in Norway and the Norwegian regulation on prosumers. Tine´s master thesis examines the Norwegian regulation of offshore wind production and investigates whether there are regulatory differences between offshore fixed and floating wind turbines and how the development of Norwegian regulation seeks to support the two types of offshore wind energy production. Kristina´s master thesis compares the current Norwegian regulation on prosumers to the EU´s Third Energy Package and the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package. The thesis also examines how Norwegian rules can be improved to promote prosumers.
Webinar speaker:
Graduates from the Faculty of Law, UiB, Tine Kristin Bjørnøy-Dimmen and Kristina Horpestad Hansen.
The seminar will be held Tuesday 08.09.20 from 12:00 to 13:00 (we open the "doors" in Zoom at 11:45). Because we have TWO presenters for this webinar, we will start the presentation at 12:00!
As always, it is free and open to all interested parties, so join us for an interesting presentation followed by a Q&A session.
Guidelines for our virtual seminars:
- Link to join webinar
- "Doors open" at 11:45pm, and the presentation starts at 12:00 sharp!
- After 12:00 and whenever you are not speaking please mute your microphone, as this can disturb others.
- If you have a comment or a question please use the chat function (speech bubble on the options panel) to signal you have a question.
- The moderator will introduce you when it is your turn to ask a question – Remember to unmute your microphone!