Kurs og kompetanseutvikling - BOA
BOA-teamet tilbyr kurs og workshops spesialtilpasset forskere og administrativt ansatte ved fakultet, institutt og sentre. For administrativ ansatte har BOA-teamet utviklet UiB Opp som er et kompetansehevingsprogram for forskningsstøtte.
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Kurs og kompetanseutvikling - alle prosjektfaser
How to write a Strategy Paper?
Mer informasjon kommer. Kurset holdes på forspørsel fra fagmiljøene. Interessenter kan ta kontakt med Kristof Vlaeminck ved UiBs Brusselkontor.
Gender issues in research
Kjønnsperspektiv i forskningen
Som ledd i arbeidet med å sikre kjønnsbalanse og integrere kjønnsperspektiver i forskningen ved UiB tilbyr Senter for kvinne- og kjønnsforskning (SKOK) kurs i kjønn i forskningsprosjekter til stipendiater, forskere, og forskningskoordinatorer. Kurspakken gir deltakerene en oversikt over likestillings- og kjønnspolitikken til EU og NFR, samt verktøy som kan bidra til å øke kvaliteten på forskningen ved UiB.
Kurset holdes hvert semester. Interessenter kan ta kontakt med Tomas Salem ved SKOK.
RRI- Responsible Research and Innovation
How to strengthen the integration of Responsible Research and Innovation
Main research funding agencies, such as the Norwegian Research Council and the European Commission, increasingly require that research projects include societal, ethical and legal issues into their research design. The most important policy measure for achieving this is so-called Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). RRI comes out of a complex set of prior practices and policy approaches, such as ethics and public engagements, and has affinities with other contemporary policies such as Corporate Social Responsibility, as well as demands that privacy, data protection and ethics be included into research projects in more systematic ways. The Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities (SVT) has been at the forefront of discussing and developing the concept of RRI, nationally and in the European Union. This course will provide an introduction to RRI as a policy development and tool. It will particularly concentrate on some main requirements of RRI, and some of the ways in which these may become practically implemented, by researchers and administrators alike.
Kurset holdes årlig i høstsemestre. Interessenter kan ta kontakt med Kjetil Rommetveit ved SVT.
Literature searching for systematic reviewing
Bergen University Library offers courses and workshops that are developed to meet the needs of researchers and research administration. The range of modules we cover can be put together in a course/workshop according to your needs.
Systematic reviews are types of literature reviews that collect and critically analyze multiple research studies which address a particular research question. At the heart of sound research, a systematic review is characterised by being objective, systematic, transparent and replicable. This module covers aspects from finding existing systematic reviews to planning and running your own. The following issues will be covered:
- Overview of databases for finding systematic reviews
- Plan a systematic review and register the protocol
- How to prepare the search strategy
- How to choose relevant databases and adapt the search strategy
- Reporting results and structuring the review
- The role of the library
Contact: Susanne Mikki, University of Bergen Library
How you get evaluated
Bergen University Library offers courses and workshops that are developed to meet the needs of researchers and research administration. The range of modules we cover can be put together in a course/workshop according to your needs.
As a researcher you get evaluated by different parameters. This course aims to explain:
- How you and your publications get evaluated?
- The H-index?
- The Journal Impact factor?
- The Norwegian weighted funding model (Cristin)
Contact: Susanne Mikki, University of Bergen Library
How to increase your visibility and impact
Bergen University Library offers courses and workshops that are developed to meet the needs of researchers and research administration. The range of modules we cover can be put together in a course/workshop according to your needs.
When applying for research funding or jobs it is important to make sure information about you and your research is available easily and correct and that you are presented in best possible light. This course gives an introduction on
- How you can take full advantage of different platforms such as ORCID, google scholar or Research Gate
- How you can use them to disseminate your research and make your publications more visible
- What you can actively do to increase your citation count
Contact: Susanne Mikki, University of Bergen Library
Open data and research data management
Bergen University Library offers courses and workshops that are developed to meet the needs of researchers and research administration. The range of modules we cover can be put together in a course/workshop according to your needs.
This module gives you an introduction on how to manage research data from the start of your project until the end. The questions we aim to cover, is:
- What is research data?
- What are the requirements on data management from EU, NFR, journals and academic institutions?
- Why the requirements, and what's in it for you?
- How can you get into good data management routines? Where can you get help?
- Write a data management plan for your PhD project and EU or NFR proposals
- Publish data together with your article
- Archive your data for the future
(More in-depth courses on different aspects of open data will be developed consecutively in 2018/2019, and topics such as data protection and search and cite research data will be added to our portofolio).
Contact: Susanne Mikki, University of Bergen Library
Communication and dissemination
The Communication Division at UiB can offer courses and workshops for researchers or research administration. Examples:
- Communication and/or dissemination plans
- Media Relations
- Web publishing on uib.no (courses announced on https://www.uib.no/webkurs)
- Social media strategy
- Other subjects on demand
Contact: Åshild Nylund, Communication Division
Copyright and licensing
Bergen University Library offers courses and workshops that are developed to meet the needs of researchers and research administration. The range of modules we cover can be put together in a course/workshop according to your needs.
This module focuses on differnet aspects copyright and open licensing of work. It is possible to combine this module with Open Access or Open Data, or to specify the content to diffrent types of material.
- What is copyright?
- What work is protected by copyright?
- Copyright and licensing in the publishing process
- Creative Commons licensing
- How to reuse others work?
- Copyright and use of pictures
- Use of music and audiovisual material in academia
Contact: Susanne Mikki, University of Bergen Library
Open access
Bergen University Library offers courses and workshops that are developed to meet the needs of researchers and research administration. The range of modules we cover can be put together in a course/workshop according to your needs.
There is a growing attention about and requirements for open access to public funded research publications. This module gives an introduction to:
- Open access: what, why and how
- The open access citation advantage
- International and national guidelines and mandates, funders mandates
- UiB services and funding for open access
Contact: Susanne Mikki, University of Bergen Library
Bergen University Library offers courses and workshops that are developed to meet the needs of researchers and research administration. The range of modules we cover can be put together in a course/workshop according to your needs.
Cristin (Current Research Information System in Norway) includes all types of scientific and scholarly publications, in all fields of research in the higher education sector. It is the backbone of the performance based institutional funding model. This module gives an introduction to:
- What is Cristin?
- How to register a publication
- How to use correct affiliation
- How to make sure that the publication channel is registered on level 1 or 2 in the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers
- How are publications weighted in the funding model?
Contact: Susanne Mikki, University of Bergen Library
Økonomiavdelingen tilbyr grunnkurs innen økonomiforvaltningen ved UiB, samt teorikurs og systemopplæring for de ulike arbeidsprosessene. For beskrivelse av kurs, og påmelding til disse se denne siden.
Denne siden oppdateres av Vibeke Irgan