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Recent advances in plastic and plastic additives research. Can we transition to risk-based prioritisation?

Plastnettverket arrangerer i samarbeid med Norsk Selskap for Farmakologi og Toksikologi (NSFT) møtet "Recent advances in plastic and plastic additives research. Can we transition to risk-based prioritisation?" den 6. november i Bergen.

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Universitetet i Bergen

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Keynote speaker Hans Bouwmeester er førsteamanuensis i toksikologi og ekspert på å utvikle innovative dyrefrie modellsystemer. Han har lang erfaring med å studere nanomaterialer, inkludert mikro- og nanoplast. Hans erfaring med in vitro-systemer inkluderer både single-cell modeller og organkulturer (organ on a chip) for å etterlikne ekstracellulære miljøer. Forskningen hans dreier seg i stor grad om å benytte og utvikle gastrointestinale- og levermodeller. Han er involvert i flere in silico modelleringsstudier der han veileder PhD studenter i prosjekter som omhandler farmakokinetisk modellering.


09.30-10.00 Meet and greet, coffee
10.00-10.05 Welcome/Opening remarks, Tanja Kögel
10.05-10.45 Keynote: New approach methodologies for the hazard assessment of micro and Nanoplastics: role of protein corona and chemical leachates, Hans Bouwmeester, Wageningen University and Research
10.45-11.10 Plastic associated microbes- current status and knowledge gaps, Nachiket Marathe, Havforskningsinstituttet
11.10-11.35 Hazardous substances in plastic, what we do (not) know, Laura Anglada, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
11.35-11.55 Intestinal effects of ingested microplastic in rats, Alice Refosco, Universitetet i Bergen
11.55-13.00 Lunsj
13.00-13.20 Leachates immunotoxicity from rubber-based materials to Mytilus edulis, Maria Elisabetta Michelangeli, NIVA/Universitetet i Oslo
13.20-13.40 The role of the corporate sector in plastic pollution, Barbara Bokor, Universitetet i Bergen
13.40-14.00 Chemicals in plastic food packaging: alternative endpoints of endocrine disruption, Molly McPartland, NTNU
14.00-14.10 Pause
14.10-14.35 Complexity of an increasing plastic and microplastic universe, Farhan Khan, NORCE
14.35-15.00 Generating environmental sampling and testing data for micro- and nanoplastics for use in life cycle impact assessment,  Cecilia Askham (Norwegian Institute for Sustainability Research, NORSUS) 
15.00-15.15 Wrap-up