
Plastics network

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Plastic pollution

Marine research is one of the three strategic focus areas at UiB. Research, education and innovative solutions around the harmful effects of plastic and how to prevent plastic from ending up in nature are a natural part of this field.

The plastics network will strengthen UiB's position in contributing research-based knowledge about plastics into the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, and contribute to UiB's work on sustainability goal 14, Life below water.

Photo: Alexander Klevedal Madsen

UIB’s network for marine plastic pollution ("Plastnettverket") embraces cross-disciplinary research around plastic and microplastic pollution in our oceans. This encompasses the investigation of the presence, spread and effects of plastic pollution in our oceans, as well as its societal, legal and health implications.

Plastic lunch
Dead fish and plastic pollution at beach

Plastic lunch seminar series with an interdisciplinary approach

The Plastics Network (UIB) has launched a plastic lunch seminar series to promote sharing of knowledge on plastics from different scientific perspectives.

Sustainable Oceans
Plastdugnad 2020

Joint drive against plastic pollution

As part of the University of Bergen’s marine research initiative, an interdisciplinary network on plastic pollution has been set up for researchers, PhD candidates and students.

Plastic pollution research
Lisle Lyngøyna

Consequences of plastic pollution - and removal

In a new research project NORCE, The University of Bergen (UiB) and voluntary organizations are collaborating to find out how plastic pollution affects landscapes along the coast - and what happens when the plastic is removed.

Marine research
REV Ocean

REV Ocean partners with University of Bergen to support the UN Decade for Ocean Science

REV Ocean and the University of Bergen (UiB) signed an agreement February 16th which marks the beginning of an ambitious partnership focused on innovative ocean solutions and support for a sustainable ocean economy.