Pandemifrokost #2
Join the second "Pandemifrokost" of the year, where you can learn about current research on the vaccination of immigrants in Sweden and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals with intellectual disabilities living at home.

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The Pandemic Center welcomes you to this year's second breakfast meeting in Alrek helseklynge.
This time, we are honored to have Dr. Yana Litins'ka from Lund University (Sweden) as well as Ellen Margrete Iveland Ersfjord and Hege Mari Johnsen from the University of Agder, joining us.
Dr. Yana Litins'ka will deliver a presentation on barriers to vaccinating adult immigrants in Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 vaccination coverage varied significantly in different geographical areas in Sweden, with areas densely populated by migrants often experiencing lower vaccination rates. In her presentation, Litins'ka will address the issue of international human rights obligations and national legislation regarding vaccination of newly arrived migrants. She will reflect on how Sweden fulfills this commitment by discussing the results of interviews conducted with Ukrainian refugees in Southern Sweden.
Ellen Margrethe and Hege Mari from UiA will discuss what happened to individuals with intellectual disabilities living in supported housing during the pandemic.
Researchers from the Center for e-Health at the University of Agder and the Center for Obesity Research and Innovation at St. Olav's Hospital conducted a study in 2021 and 2022 on the experiences of staff working in housing for individuals with intellectual disabilities during the pandemic. The research revealed human rights violations in all the facilities, such as residents being subjected to deprivation of liberty and not receiving the healthcare they were entitled to. Service providers also faced significant communication challenges due to the lack of prioritization of digitization. The research supports Norwegian reports indicating that the pandemic had broad and uneven impacts, disproportionately affecting vulnerable groups.
As always, there will be refreshments and coffee/tea for all registered attendees.