Sofie Gregersen's picture

Sofie Gregersen

PhD Candidate, ASYKNOW-project
  • E-mailSofie.Gregersen@uib.no
  • Visitor Address
    Fosswinckels gate 6
    Lauritz Meltzers hus
    5007 Bergen
  • Postal Address
    Postboks 7802
    5020 Bergen

I am a PhD Research fellow working on the ERC-funded Contested Knowledges in and through Asylum Litigation (ASYKNOW)-project.

My research explores how (racialised) expert knowledge - about asylum seekers, institutions of migration and asylum, territories of origin - is mobilized, contested, and constituted through and within asylum litigation and governance in Denmark and Sweden. I am particularly interested in how notions and processes of racialisation intersect in the facilitation, countering and constitution of legal, cultural, medical, political and anthropological expert knowledge, as well as how these processes are constituted, mobilized and contested in and outside of judicial and quasi-judicial spaces in which life-altering asylum decisions are made. 

Prior to starting in Bergen, I carried out doctoral research at the University of Helsinki where I researched processes and counterprocesses of white racial identity development in a Danish context.

Intercultural Encounters, M.A, University of Helsinki, Finland 2018-2020
Politics and International Relations, M.A (Honours), University of Aberdeen, Scotland 2014-2018 (semester abroad at Rhodes College in Memphis, TN)