Plastic and plastic additives – impacts on human and environmental health
In collaboration with the Norwegian Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology (NSFT), the Plastics Network organizes the meeting “Plastic and plastic additives – impacts on human and environmental health” November 11th in Bergen.

Main content
The meeting will take place in Stort Auditorium, on the second floor in Datablokken, located at the High Technology Centre in Thormøhlens gate 55. It is also possible to attend digitally online over Zoom.
Researchers from various disciplines gather this day with a common focus on plastics challenges. The major topics are how plastic can impact both environmental and human health. Keynote speaker is professor Juliette Legler from Utrecht University.
Juliette Legler is Professor of Toxicology and heads the Division of Toxicology at the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University. Her research focusses on the molecular mechanisms of toxicity of chemicals and the effects of chemical exposure on humans and wildlife. She is particularly interested in understanding the long-term health impacts of exposure to environmental chemicals during early development. Prof. Legler leads pioneering research on the exposure and effects of microplastics (and associated EDCs) in the human fetal environment. She is the coordinator of the "Microplastics and Human Health Consortium" (MOMENTUM), and she also participates in AURORA, a European H2020 project focusing on early life stage exposure to microplastics.
10:00-10:05: Welcome (Tanja Kögel, HI/UiB, Amy Lusher, NIVA/UiB, Odd André Karlsen, UiB)
10:05-10:45: Keynote: Microplastics and human health: addressing the knowledge gaps, Juliette Legler, UU
10:45-11:10: Plastic particles or associated chemicals – wherein lies the environmental hazard? A topic for the global agreement?, Lisbeth Sørensen, SINTEF
11:10-11:20: Break
11:20-11:45: Environmental sensitivity during the embryonic period in fish, Kaja Skjærven, HI
11:45-12:10: Exposure and effects of microplastic particles in mammalian models, Jutta Dierkes, UiB
12:10-13:10: Lunch
13:10-13:35: The danger of chemicals in plastics – what is facts and what is fiction?, Tanja Radusin, NORNER
13:35-14:00: Ecotoxicological impacts of plastics in the aquatic environment: current status, Tânja Gomes, NIVA
14:00-14:10: Break
14:10-14:25: Occupational exposure and health challenges of microplastics: knowns and unknowns, Anani Afanou, STAMI
14:25-14:50: The regulatory environment of plastic pollution in the EU, Barbara Bokor, UiB
14:50-15:20: Wrap up – solutions for the future, Tanja, Amy, Juliette, all
Register here by November 1.