Quality in Education

Academic integrity

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The fundamental values for academic activities at UiB are
openness, verifiability, scientific integrity and critical discussion.

quote from the Action plan for the work on academic integrity at the University of Bergen 2009-2012 

As part of the overall work of assuring the fundamental values of academic activities at the university, the Education Committee at the University of Bergen has, since 2007, focused on academic integrity. A working group, chaired by professor Roger Strand, described the status at UiB and suggested measures that could be taken.

The Division of Academic Affairs has, based on the report of the Strand working group, debates in the Education Committee, hearings and discussions in general at UiB, developed a suggestion for an action plan for the future work related to ethics and academic integrity. This action plan was presented to the Education Committee in the spring of 2009.

The Action plan for the work on academic integrity at the University of Bergen 2009-2012  was formally approved by the University Board on 30 April, 2009.