
Research activities

The members of the Algorithms Research Group are active participants in the international research community, as can be seen from our publication list. We are regularly involved in the main international algorithms conferences, both as participants, members of program committees, and as organizers. Conferences hosted in Bergen include PARA'00, SWAT'00, ALGO'04 (ESA'04), WG'06, WorKer'09, GROW'09, and SWAT'10.

Main content

During 2011-2012, the Research Council of Norway conducted an evaluation of all research groups within information technology in Norway, carried out  by a panel of international experts from Europe and USA. In the resulting evaluation report, among research groups belonging to Norwegian universities, three got the top grade "internationally leading" and our group is one of these.

Although a focus on graph algorithms guarantees a common research background the interests of the four permanent faculty members are quite varied and for detailed information it is best to check the homepage of each member. We have additional two faculty members who are financed by ERC and BFS.

Many of our research projects, both individual and joint, are externally funded:

  • Enumeration using structure: Algorithms and complexity (Aurora programme, France-Norway collaboration), 2013-2014.
  • BeHard - Beating Hardness by Preprocessing (Bergen Research Foundation starting grant), 2012-1016.
  • Efficient Algorithms for Graph Modification Problems (Aurora programme, France-Norway collaboration), 2012-2013.
  • Obtaining Efficient Algorithms by Input Restrictions: Re-drawing the borderline of tractability (DAADppp programe, Germany-Norway collaboration), 2011-2012.
  • Rigorous Theory of Preprocessing (ERC advanced investigator grant) 2011-2016.
  • SCOPE - Exploiting Structure to Cope with Hard Problems (NFR FRITEK grant) 2010-2015.
  • Parameterized Algorithms (NFR FRITEK grant) 2008-2012.
  • Tree decompositions of graphs: theory and applications (Aurora programme, France-Norway collaboration), 2008-2009.
  • Network Searching: New Foundational Directions (NFR FRITEK grant) 2008-2012.
  • Parallel Algorithms for Combinatorial Scientific Computing (NFR eVITA grant) 2007-2011
  • DYNAMO - Dynamic Communications Networks: Foundations and Algorithms (European Co-operation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research COST action 295)
  • Self-stabilization in Sensor Networks, (Aurora Programme, France-Norway Collaboration), 2006
  • Minimal Separators and Triangulations in Graphs - Algorithms and Applications (NFR FRINAT grant) 2005-08
  • Coping with the NP-hardness: Parameterized and exact algorithms (NFR Yngre, fremragende forskere (YFF)/Outstanding Young Investigator grant) 2005-09
  • Nordic Network on Algorithms (NorFA grant) 2005-07
  • SPECTRUM-Spectrum management in static and dynamic networks (NFR-IKT 2010 Program) 2004-07
  • Exact Algorithms for Hard Problems (NFR FRINAT grant) 2004-07
  • General Support for the Algorithms Research Group (NFR FRINAT grant) 2004
  • Separators in Graphs: Theory and Applications (Aurora Programme, France-Norway Collaboration), 2004-05
  • Parameterized Complexity and Graph Algorithms (NFR FRINAT grant) 2002-05
  • PRO:Parallel Resource-Optimal computation model (Aurora Programme, France-Norway Collaboration) 2002-03