Research group for Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure

Bergen Lecture 2012 and Symposium: Challenges to Contemporary Criminal Law

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The Research group for criminal law and criminal procedure invites you to Bergen Lecture 2012 and Symposium on «Challenges to Contemporary Criminal Law», 26-27 September.

Registration deadline for Symposium has passed

Bergen Lecture is open to all interested

Bergen Lecture

Bergen Lecture in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice is an annual lecture given at the Faculty of Law, University of Bergen by a distinguished international expert on criminal law and criminal justice. This year the lecture will be given by Prof. dr. Thomas Weigend, University of Cologne.

In his lecture, Prof. Weigend will address the subject “Contemporary and Future Challenges to Criminal Law: Comparative Reflections”. He will talk about the role and functions of the criminal law in light of recent developments, and he will speculate as to where criminal law is headed in a world characterized by European harmonization and a worldwide debate on international crimes. 

Symposium: Challenges to Contemporary Criminal Law

With the contemporary transformation of criminal law to a complex body of national and international dimensions, knowledge exchange and comparison receive increased attention and importance. This symposium, with distinguished experts on criminal law, seeks to contribute to the exchange of knowledge between criminal law's national, regional and international levels.

Each section of this symposium is composed of reflections on central subjects in criminal law from both a Norwegian, a Nordic and an international point of view, reflections that precisely seek to respond to the need for communication across different kinds of boarders - geographical and institutional.