Test yourself

Main content
This app is based on the standard consonant-vowel dichotic listening test used in research and neuropsychological assessment for decades. Our vision for this app is to bring the laboratory to the people and not vice versa. We believe this is a novel method of psychological testing and data collection - a "laboratory on-the-go" that offers mobility and is fun to use. The average results from users around the world and links to publications will be displayed here.
What you can do with it:
1) Discover where your brain processes language
2) Test your selective attention abilities
3) Take part in a global field experiment and help us find out more about how the brain works (data collection completed)
4) Test yourself and your friends and family
Download the app here
Colours and emotions
Do you have literally the “blues”?
We all have associations and feelings connected to colours. But are these the same in people in different cultures and age groups? This world-wide study with already over 4000 participants from 20 countries tries to answer this question.
Previous studies have mostly explored small populations in a Western context. They seem to find a gender difference in the perception of colours and emotions. This might be replicated here.
The online questionnaire takes between 5-10 minutes. If you want to participate, please click here.
The research is lead by Prof. Christine Mohr, Nele Dael and Domicele Jonauskaite at the Laboratory for Experimental Research on Behavior, University of Lausanne.
For questions please contact Lynn Marquardt
Hearing voices and perceptions of the world
Members of the fMRI-group are doing an online survey about different perceptions of the world. As it is an epidemiological survey across Norway it is in norwegian. Please contribute to more knowledge about this topic and share it with your friends.
The survey will take about 15-35 minutes to complete.
Speaking norwegian? Please take part in the survey here.
Please do also visit the facebook-event and pages.