Journalistic reorientations
The primary aim of this research project is to investigate how journalism changes in its encounter with the Internet. The main research question is how professional and technological challenges from online communication forms impact on the normative foundations and democratic relevance of journalism, journalism’s political economy, journalism’s professional practices and journalism’s audiences.

Main content
Lecture schedule autumn 2013
Tuesday, 03th september 12.15-14.00 pm, room 614, 6. floor.
En ny plattform for kvalitetsjournalistikk?
Gunhild Ring Olsen er stipendiat og høgskolelektor ved Høgskulen i Volda.
(presentation in Norwegian)
Tuesday, 17th september kl. 12.15-14.00 pm, room 614, 6. floor.
Shaming the Devil - Performative Shame in Investigative TV-journalism.
Magnus Danielsson, Ph.D.-kandidat, JMK. Stockholms Universitetet, Sverige.
(presentation in English)
Tuesday 01th oktober kl. 12.15-14.00 pm, room 614, 6. floor.
A reality-check on online journalism. Empirical assessments of digital promises.
Michael Karlsson, universitetslektor ved Institutionen för geografi, medier och kommunikation, Karlstad universitetet, Sverige.
(presentation in Swedish/English)
Tuesday, 29th oktober kl. 12.15-14.00 pm,møterom 614 i 6. etasje.
The change of Finnish culture journalism in 1978-2008. (preliminary title)
Maarit Jaakola, lecturer in Journalism at the School of Communication, Media and Theatre, University of Tampere, Finland.
(presentation in English)
Tuesday, 12th november 14.15-16.00 pm, room 548, 5. floor.
Læser-deltagelse i netavisernes nyhedsproduktion.
Aske Søndergaard Kammer, ekstern lektor ved Institut for Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling på Københavns Universitet, Denmark.
(presentation in Danish/English)
The lectures are open to all who are interested.
Martin Eide
Please contact: Anja Salzmann
Journalism’s normative foundations and democratic relevance
What are the challenges to the internal maintenance of professional authority and power, and for the external maintenance of journalistic autonomy and its role as the Fourth Estate of democracy? The challenges of new journalistic formats for journalism’s watchdog function and journalism as an expression of culture are of main concern here.
Journalism’s professional practices
What are the disciplinary implications of new technological advances on journalistic work processes for journalistic methodology and ethical standards? How are journalism’s professional practices changing due to digitalisation?
Journalism’s political economy
What are the structural implications of pecuniary pressures brought on by the new media economy for news market competition and for journalism’s political function in democracy? The following projects will investigate the political economy of journalism and the impact of market forces for journalism’s function in democracy.
Journalism’s audiences
What are the communicative implications of convergent journalistic formats for audience reception of journalistic content? What are the effects of digitalisation of journalistic content on audience reception and use?