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“Telling people to ‘follow the science’ won’t save the planet. But they will fight for justice.”

Kjersti Fløttum and Øyvind Gjerstad were cited in a recent opinion article in The Guardian

Climate Justice

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Kjersti Fløttum, head of the ongoing CLIMLIFE research project, and associate professor Øyvind Gjerstad, were cited in a recent opinion article in The Guardian. The article titled "Telling people to ‘follow the science’ won’t save the planet. But they will fight for justice.” (28.12.2021), written by climate journalist Amy Westervelt, argues that the climate crisis is an issue of justice and political will, calling into question established power structures in society. Westervelt bases her arguments amongst others on Fløttums and Gjerstads 2016 study "Narratives in Climate Change Discourse", where the concept of heroes and villains in various climate stories is discussed.