
Department of Foreign Languages

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Students at the University of Bergen.


Phone: + 47 55 58 23 40

E-mail: post@if.uib.no 

Visit us: HF-bygget, Sydnesplassen 7 (map)

Mail: Department of Foreign Languages, Postbox 7805, N-5020 Bergen, NORWAY

The Department of Foreign Languages offers degrees in nine languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish. Our courses open windows on the languages, literatures and cultures of large parts of the globe. Students from this department go abroad on exchange to universities on every continent, making this one of the most international departments at the University of Bergen. Our researchers work on a broad range of topics – from Shakespeare to language and the climate debate, language attitudes in present-day Latin America, and the interface between literature and natural science. Graduates in foreign languages enter many different types of professions. The department has its own teacher training programme, provides online further education in several subjects, and even offers a degree in Language and Intercultural Communication.

Arabic     Chinese    English     French     German     Italian     Japanese     Russian    Spanish

Kart over Kina og Taiwan hvor en leketanks står på Fastlands-Kina og peker mot Taiwan

Worth knowing about the Taiwan-China conflict

Nancy Pelosi was in Taiwan for barely a day. China responded with a massive military exercise in the waters around the island. What is Chinas mission? Postdoc fellow in Chinese studies and Taiwan expert Julia Marinaccio explains.

Nurul Huda Razif

Four researchers receive Marie Curie grant

The University of Bergen has been awarded four EU-funded mobility grants through Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). One grant goes to The Faculty of Humanities, and three will go to The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

Outstanding Younger Researcher
Laura Saetveit Miles mottar Meltzerprisen for yngre forskere

Prestigious Prize to Medieval scholar

Researcher of medieval English literature, Laura Saetveit Miles, is awarded the University of Bergen's Meltzer Prize for Outstanding Younger Researcher 2020.

Academic Portrait
Photo of Guowen Shang

Tapping into the Sociolinguistic Realities in China

Guowen Shang, Associate Professor of Chinese language, is currently studying sign languages – not languages with signs, but on signs. “The language signs are everywhere in our environment, but the language choices on the signs are determined by a range of social, economic, psychological and...