LINGCLIM: Language, climate and lifestyle

Kjersti Fløttum with three LINGCLIM-related lectures

Between 15th-24th March 2022, held Kjersti Fløttum several LINGCLIM-related lectures.

Kjersti Fløttum
Kjersti Fløttum

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In the middle of March 2022, Kjersti Fløttum, leader of the LINGCLIM research group, contributed to several events. On 15th March, Fløttum held a digital guest lecture about LINGCLIM for master's students in French at UiO, titled "Perspectives linguistiques et discursives sur le changement climatique". A week later, on 23rd March, she held another guest lecture for the course CET201, Sustainable Innovation, at UiB, titled "Citizens’ motivations for change or no change of lifestylein a climate perspective". Subsequently, she gave another presentation for Besteforeldrenes Klimaaksjon, at Bergen Kunsthall, titled "De unge viser vei for et klimavennlig liv og vil mer enn å skolestreike" (English: "Young people are showing the way for a climate-friendly lifestyle, and want to do more than just participate in climate strikes"), on 24th March.