“Attitudes of young people on the climate and the climate debate – with a specific perspective on lifestyle”
On 24th May 2022, Kjersti Fløttum held a keynote on the topic “Attitudes of young people on the climate and the climate debate – with a specific perspective on lifestyle”.

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On May 24th 2022, Kjersti Fløttum held a digital keynote on the topic "Attitudes of young people on the climate and the climate debate – with a specific perspective on lifestyle" (Norwegian: "De unges holdninger til klima og klimadebatten - med et særlig perspektiv på livsstil"), at a webinar for Norwegian and Danish PhD candidates within the field of sustainability and education, organized by Høgskolen på Vestlandet (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences) and NABU (Nasjonalt forskernettverk for bærekraft og utdanning). Fløttum held the keynote from a boat sailing on the Northern coast of Norway.