Events Archive
Practical Philosophy Group - Events Archive (2018-2023)
Main content
10 February 2023, Internal Seminar: Torfinn Huvenes (UiB), “Lukewarm Realism”
4-6 December 2022, Practical Philosophy Workshop (Voss)
Mathea Slåttholm Sagdahl (UiT/UiO)
Espen Gamlund (UiB), “The Standing to Moralize”
David Vogt (UiB), “Moral Standing to Blame and the Moral Equality Account of Hypocrisy”
Knut Olav Skarsaune (Innlandet), “Priority Now without Repugnance Later”
Silje Langvatn (UiB), “The proportionality test as a test of public reason”
Tina Firing (University of Iceland), “Progress without knockdown arguments”
Christopher Senf (UiB)
11 November 2022, Visiting Speaker Seminar: Christine Hobden (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg), “Political consumerism as a civic responsibility: it is time to (also) vote with our wallets”
14 October 2022, Internal Seminar: Torfinn Huvenes (UiB), “Moral Disagreement and Disagreement about Taste”
10 June 2022, Visiting Speaker Seminar:
Christine Straehle (Hamburg), “Between Global Justice and Differentiated Rights - Migrant care workers, Covid, and the Welfare State”
David Miller (Oxford), “Compensation for Historic Injustice: does it matter how the victims respond?”
30 May 2022, Visiting Speaker Seminar: Candice Delmas (Northeastern), “The Philosopher and the (Self-Destructive) Resister: Methodological Challenges”
6 May 2022, Practical Philosophy Workshop
Adina Preda (Trinity College Dublin), “Can Rights Conflict?”
Miriam Ronzoni (Manchester), “Constitutivism, Constructivism... of Both?”
Erika Brandl (UiB), “Foundations of Justice: An Intergenerational Theory of Housing”
21-22 April 2022, Workshop: Human Rights and Human Exceptionalism
Jesse Tomalty (UiB), “Towards an Anti-Speciesist Philosophy of Human Rights”
Alasdair Cochrane (Sheffield), “Animals as Labourers”
Raffael Fasel (Cambridge), “Sentient Equality: An Anatomy”
Matthey Perry (Manchester), “Wronging without Hierarchy: An Inconvenient Conclusion?”
Jess Eisen (Alberta), “Constitutionalization of Animal Law: Principles, Provisions, Critical Notes on Impact”
Kerri Woods (Leeds)
Alejandra Mancilla (Oslo), “Effective Disoccupation”
Michael da Silva (Southampton), “Dignity and (Human?) Rights: Some Methodological Reflections”
10-11 March 2022, Norwegian Practical Philosophy Network Conference, Grand Hotel Terminus, Bergen
Jakob Elster (UiO), “Policy-development and deference to moral experts”
Oda K.S. Davanger (NTNU), “The Politics of Being Seen”
Silje Langvatn (UiB), “Proportionality testing as the test of public reason”
Attila Tanyi (UiT) and Vuko Andric (Bayreuth), “From Rational to Moral Utilitarianism”
Annamari Vitikainen (UiT), “LGBTIQ+ prioritization in refugee admissions – The case of Norway”
Robert Huseby and Kim Angell (UiT), “Autonomy and Democracy”
Alejandra Mancilla (UiO) and Peder Roberts (UiS), “Antarctica and colonialism”
Kjartan Koch Mikalsen (NTNU), “Political legitimacy: What’s Wrong with the Power-Liability Account?”
22 January 2021, Bergen-Louvain Virtual Seminar
Alejandro Berrotaran (UCL), “Should the right to bequeath be a basic liberty?”
Erika Brandl Mouton (UiB), "From principles to practice: moral obligations of architects towards realizing the human right to housing"
Pablo Scotto Benito (UCL), “Universal Basic Income and the Duty to Work”
Manuel Valente (UCL), “Basic Income and the Problem of Unequal Longevity”
Sindre August Horn (UiB), "Health, equality, and the worse off" (Bergen)
9 October 2020, Visiting Speaker Seminar (online): Adam Etinson (St Andrews), “Anger and Remorse”
4 December 2020, Practical Philosophy Workshop (online)
Christopher Senf (UiB), “An Evaluative Approach to Social Movements”
Johannes Servan (UiB), "Klimaendringer og utlendingers rett til demokratisk deltakelse"
4 September, Internal Seminar: Jenny Krutzinna (Administration and Organization Theory, UiB), “Who is ‘the child’? Best interests and individuality of children in discretionary decision-making”
15 June 2020, Bergen-Louvain Virtual Seminar
Marie Bastin (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Hoover Fellow), “Do Family Values Require Taxing Inheritance?”
David Vogt (UiB), “Why Is It Better that Ten Guilty Go Free than that One Innocent Is Convicted?”
Corrado Fumagalli (University of Genova, Hoover Fellow), “Epistemic Democracy, Fallibilism, and the Legitimating Value of Post-Decision Dissent”
Christopher Senf (UiB), “What Is Wrong with the Criticism against Identity Politics”
Manuel Valente (Chaire Hoover), “Equality of Opportunity and the Gender Pension Gap”
Preben Sørheim (UiB), “Longevity and Premature Death”
15 June 2020, Practical Philosophy Workshop
Alejandra Mancilla (UiO), “Political Philosophy and Antarctica”
Jesse Tomalty (UiB), “Social Rights at Work”
28 May 2020, Book Symposium: Kunsten å moralisere, Espen Gamlund
6 December 2019, Practical Philosophy Workshop
Preben Sørheim, "Lifespan inequality and pension reform"
Silje Langvatn, "Accountability of experts: What is it, why is it challenging - and is it what we need?"
Carl Tollef Solberg and Espen Gamlund, "Mandatory childhood vaccination: Should Norway follow?"
6 December 2019, Bergen-Louvain Virtual Seminar
Matthew Coffay (UiB), "The normative model of sustainable development: Implications for the multi-level perspective in sustainability transitions studies"
Delphine Irac (UC Louvain, Chaire Hoover, Philosophy) - "Pre-distribution vs. Redistribution : what types of government intervention create fairer market outcomes? A tentative classification"
Jesse Tomalty (UiB), "Social disasters"
Niko Vaananen (UC Louvain, Chaire Hoover, Political Science), "Can state coerce all citizens to take part in pension insurance?"
Christopher Senf (UiB), "Can there be illiberal struggles for recognition?"
Camille Pascal (UC Louvain, Chjaire Hoover, Philosophy), "Listening in Deliberation: How Empathic Should We Be?"
4-5 October 2019, Conference: Climate Change and Asian Philosophy
Simon James (Durham), “Climate Justice: Some Challenges for Buddhist Ethics”
Matthew Coffay (UiB), “Climate Change, the Non-Identity Problem, and Buddhist Virtue Ethics”
Yumi Suzuki (University of Bern, East China Normal University), “‘Climate Crisis’ and Political Responsibility in Early Confucianism”
Anna Deplazes-Zemp (University of Zurich), “Relational Values as a New Concept in Environmental Ethics”
Elizabeth Cripps (digital) (University of Edinburgh), “‘No kids please, we’re environmentalists!’ Is there an individual climate justice duty to have only a small family?”
Catriona McKinnon (University of Exeter), “Geoengineering: Fantasies of Control”
Stephen Gardiner (University of Washington), “The Paradoxical Virtues of the Anthropocene”
David Cooper (Durham University), “Should Buddhists Be Concerned with Climate Change?”
Colin Hickey (Utrecht University), “Climate Change, Moral Education, and Social Transformation”
Katie Javanaud (Oxford University), “If Everything is Empty, Can Nature Have Intrinsic Worth?”
13 September 2019, Internal Seminar: Jørgen Pedersen, “Property owning democracy”
7 June 2019, Internal Seminar: Trygve Lavik (UiB) and Kjetil Mangset Skjerve (NTNU), "A Defense of the Beneficiary Pays Principle."
9-19 May 2019, Practical Philosophy Workshop
David G. C. Vogt (UiB), “Justice and Desert”
Carl Tollef Solberg (UiB) and Mathias Barra (Akershus University
Hospital), “The Devil’s in the DALY: Evaluating Disease Burden in the Global Burden of
Disease Study”
Kristian Ekeli (UiS), “Toleration, Respect for Persons and the Free Speech Right to Do Moral Wrong”
David Miller (Oxford), “Justifying the Right of Return”
Margaret Moore (Queen’s University), “The Moral Value of Collective Self-Determination and the Ethics of Secession”
Axel Gosseries (UC Louvain), TBD
Espen Gamlund (UiB), “Appropriate Moralism: A First Defense”
Johannes Servan (UiB), “Do Climate Refugees Have Any Rights?”
Jesse Tomalty (UiB), “Social Rights and the Minimally Good Life”
15 March 2019, Visiting Speaker Seminar: Daniel Halliday, “On the Right to Retire”
15 February 2019, Practical Philosophy Workshop
Preben Sørheim (UiB), “Defining Premature Death”
Johannes Servan (UiB), “‘What Justice Requires’ – a State-Centric
Bias in the Ethics of Migration”
Sveinung S. Sivertsen (UiB), “The Partially Impartial Spectator as
an Ethical Ideal”
Jesse Tomalty (UiB), “The Scope Problem for Human Rights” -
Robert Huseby (UiO), “Affected Interests and Weighted Votes”
Clare Heyward (UiT), “Introducing the Constitutive Account”
5 October 2018, Visiting Speaker Seminar: Massimo Renzo (KCL), “Two Kinds of Consent”