Subatomic physics

Where to find us

We are located in the third floor of the north wing in Bjørn Trumpys hus, Allégaten 55.

Lokasjon for subatomær fysikk - tredje etasje nordfløy Allegaten 55
You will find us in the third floor of Bjørn Trumpys hus.
Google Maps

Main content

The Subatomic physics group has offices and laboratories in the third floor of Bjørn Trumpys hus. There, you will find the following scientific staff:

Professor Dieter Røhrich is located in room 509, 5th floor.

In the third floor you will also find the following rooms:

  • Assembly-lab (room 334)
  • Detector-lab (room 332)
  • Cleanroom (room 320)
  • Breakroom (room 302)
  • Master-room (room 306)