VUL group in London
Researchers from the Welfare, Inequality and Life Course (VUL) research group visited the SCWR Unit and Job Center plus in London

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Liv Johanne Syltevik, Kjetil Lundberg, Ann Nilsen, Bo Vignes and Karen Christensen from the Welfare, Inequality and Life Course research group at the Department of Sociology , UiB, recently visited the Social Care Workforce Research Unit (SCWRU) at King’s College London.
The following research presentation from the VUL group were held during the meeting:
User Perspectives on the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV): Liv Johanne Syltevik & Kjetil Lundeberg
Intergenerational Transmissions in the Transition to Adulthood: a mixed methodslife course approach: Ann Nilsen
Early Retirement among Elderly Immigrants and Native Norwegians: Bo Vignes
Welfare Policy, Migration and Care Work: a cross-national Norwegian/British social study of migrants in care work: Karen Christensen
The SCWRU group presented the following projects:
Rethinking multiple exclusion homelessness – findings from the ESRC study: Jill Manthorpe
Jobs First – findings from the evaluation of a Department of Health programme assisting adults with learning disabilities to gain paid employment: Martin Stevens & Jess Harris
The Minimum wage and the social care workforce – findings from a Department of Health funded study: Shereen Hussein
Working with family carers - findings from the School for Social Care Research study: Jo Moriarty
The project presentations were followed by interesting comments and discussions. The Welfare, Inequality and Life Course research group is looking forward to further contact and collaboration. Click here for more information about the SCWRU group at King's College, London. You can follow the SCWRU group on Twitter here:
Comment from Jill Manthrope, director at the Social Care Workforce Research Unit, after the meeting:
"Thanks to the VUL group from the department of Sociology in Bergen for an interesting and stimulating seminar. We are looking forward to further collaboration with you."
Jill Manthorpe (SCWRU - King's College, London)
Job Center Plus
The WILC group also visited Job Center Plus during the stay in London. We thank Sandy Fenwick, Sarah Bishop, Nishi Madhok, Marina Donaldson, Michael O’Sullivan and Bharat Pankhania for an interesting meeting and tour of Hounslow Jobcentre.