Welfare, labour and health

Main content


Frich, Jan, Clara Bratholm, Håvard Ravnestad, Morten L Friberg, Christer Mjåset, and Oddvar Kaarboe (2022): Medical leadership development during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMJ Leader

Rita Ginja, Arizo Karimi and Pengpeng Xiao (forthcoming): Employer Responses to Family Leave Programs. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics.

Marc Goñi (2022): Assortative matching at the top of the distribution: Evidence from the world’s most exclusive marriage marketAmerican Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 14(3): 445-87

Marc Goñi (forthcoming): Landed elites and Education Provision in England: Evidence from School Boards, 1871-1899. Journal of Economic Growth


Bütikofer, Aline, Julie Riise and Meghan Skira (2021): The impact of paid maternity leave on maternal health. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2021, 13(1), p67-105 (DOI: 10.1257/pol.20190022)

Conti, Gabriella and Rita Ginja (forthcoming):  Who Benefits From Free Health Insurance: Evidence from Mexico. Journal of Human Resources.

Diaz, Esperanza, Svenn-Eirik Mamelund, Jarle Eid, Henriette Sinding Aasen, Oddvar Kaarboe, Rebecca Jane Cox Brokstad, Siri Gloppen, Anders Beyer, Bernadette Nirmal Kumar (2021): Learning from the COVID-19 pandemic among migrants: An innovative, system-level, interdisciplinary approach is needed to improve public health. Scand. J. Public Health. https://doi.org/10.1177/14034948211019795

Ferman, Bruno, Gaute Torsvik and Kjell Vaage (2021): Skipping the doctor: evidence from a case with extended self-certification of paid sick leave. Journal of Population Economics (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00148-021-00841-6)

Gobbi, Paula E. and Marc Goñi (2021): Childless Aristocrats. Inheritance and the extensive margin of fertilityThe Economic Journal, 131(637), 2089-2118.

Holmås, Tor Helge and Oddvar Kaarboe (2021): Hvilke faktorer påvirker bruken av ordningen med fritt behandlingsvalg? Samfunnsøkonomen 6

Julian Vedeler Johnsen, Kjell Vaage, Alexander Willén (2021): Interactions in Public Policies: Spousal Responses and Program Spillovers of Welfare ReformsThe Economic Journal (https://doi.org/10.1093/ej/ueab053)

Aas, Eline, Tor Iversen, Oddvar Kaarboe (2021)The Economic Sustainability of the Norwegian Healthcare System. In Baltagi, B.H., Moscone, F. (Eds.) The Sustainability of Health Care Systems in Europe (Contributions to Economic Analysis, Vol. 295) Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 81–101. (https://doi.org/10.1108/S0573-855520210000295010)


Aakvik, Arild, Tor Helge Holmås and Karin Monstad (2020)Sysselsettingseffekter av pensjonsreformen - avhenger de av helsetilstand? Søkelys på arbeidslivet, 37, 4 - 19.

Bratberg, Espen, Tor Helge Holmås and Karin Monstad (2020)Health effects of reduced workload for older employees. Health Economics, 29(5), 554-556. 

Ginja, Rita, Jenny Jans and Arizo Karimi (2020): Parental Leave Benefits, Household Labor Supply and Children’s Long-run Outcomes Journal of Labor Economics, 38(1) , 261-320

Hehenkamp, Burkhard and Oddvar Kaarboe (2020): Location Choice and Quality Competition in Mixed Hospital MarketsJournal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 177, 641-660.

Riise, Julie, Barton Willage and Alexander Willén (2020): Can female doctors cure the STEMM gap? Evidence from randomly assigned general practitioners. Forthcoming in Review of Economics and Statistics. Posted Online September 24, 2020


Johnsen, Julian Vedeler and Katrine Holm ReisoEconomic Impacts of Workfare Reforms for Single Mothers: Benefit Substitution and Labour supply responses. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 000(0), 1–30, 2019

Ginja, Rita, Jenny Jans and Arizo Karimi (2019): Parental Leave Benefits, Household Labor Supply and Children’s Long-run Outcomes, Journal of Labor Economics, 38, 261-320.

Grasdal, Astrid and Kjell Erik Lommerud (2019): Barnløshet blant menn i Norge - hvem er de, og hvor bor de? Tidsskrift for Velferdsforskning, 22, 268-284.

Carneiro, Pedro, Emanuela Galasso and Rita Ginja (2019)Tackling Social Exclusion: Evidence from Chile The Economic Journal, 129, 172–208.

Sveinsdottir, Vigdis, Stein Atle Lie, Gary R. Bond, Hege Randi Eriksen, Torill Helene Tveito, Astrid Grasdal, Silje Endresen Reme (2019): Individual Placement and Support for Young Adults at Risk of Early Work Disability (The SEED Trial). A Randomized Controlled Trial. The Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health. 2019; 45(1).


Øverland, Simen, Astrid L Grasdal, and Silje E Reme (2018): Long-term effects on income and sickness benefits after work-focused cognitive-behavioural therapy and individual job support: a pragmatic, multicentre, randomised controlled trial. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 75(10), 703-708.

Peter Hangoma, Bjarne Robberstad and Arild Aakvik (2018)Does Free Public Health Care Increase Utilization and Reduce Spending? Heterogeneity and Long-Term Effects. World Development, 101, 34-350.

Lommerud, Kjell Erik, Odd Rune Straume and Steinar Vagstad (2018)Employment Protection and Unemployment Benefits: On Technology Adoption and Job Creation in a Matching Model. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 120 (3), 763-793.


Løken, Katrine V., Shelly Lundberg and Julie Riise (2017)Lifting the burden: State-care of the elderly and the labor supply of adult children. Journal of Human Resources, 52(1), 247-271, 2017. 

Hangoma, Peter, Arild Aakvik and Bjarne Robberstad: Health Shocks and Household Welfare in Zambia: An Assessment of Changing RiskJournal of International Development, 30 (5), 790-817.

Aakvik, Arild, Frank Hansen and Gaute Torsvik (2017): Productivity Dynamics, Performance Feedback and Group Incentives in a Sales Organization. Labour Economics, 46, pp. 110–117.

Hangoma, Peter, Arild Aakvik and Bjarne Robberstad (2017)Explaining changes in child health inequality in the run up to the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): The case of ZambiaPLOS ONE, 12(2).

Brendbekken, Randi, Hege R Eriksen, Astrid Grasdal, Anette Harris, Eli M Hagen, and Tone Tangen (2017): Return to Work in Patients with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: Multidisciplinary Intervention vs. Brief Intervention. A Randomized Clinical TrialJournal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 27(1).


Sveinsdottir, Vigdis; Tveito, Torill Helene; Bond, Gary R.; Grasdal, Astrid; Lie, Stein Atle; Reme, Silje (2016): Protocol for the SEED-trial: Supported employment and preventing early disability. BMC Public Health, 2016; Volum 16:579.

Grasdal, Astrid (2016): De helserelaterte trygdeytelsene. Betydningen av økonomiske insentiver og samspill mellom trygdeordningene. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 2016, (2), s. 102-124. DOI: 10.18261/issn.2464-3076-2016-02-02

Bratberg, Espen, Jonathan Davis, Bhashkar Mazumder, Martin Nybom, Daniel Schnitzlein, Kjell Vaage (2016): A Comparison of Intergenerational Mobility Curves in Germany, Norway, Sweden and the U.S. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 1-30. DOI: 10.1111/sjoe.12197

Dahl, Gordon, Katrine V. Løken, Magne Mogstad and Kjell G. Salvanes (2016): "What Is the Case for Paid Maternity Leave?," Review of Economics and Statistics.

Øverland, Simon Nygaard; Grasdal, Astrid; Reme, Silje (2016): "Trial participant representativeness compared to ordinary service users in a work rehabilitation setting." Contemporary Clinical Trials, 2016; Volum 2. s. 12-15.


Johnsen, Julian Vedeler; Løken, Katrine Vellesen (2015): Nordic family policy and maternal employment. Nordic Economic Policy Review, 115-132.

Reme, Silje Endresen; Grasdal, Astrid; Løvvik, Camilla; Lie, Stein Atle; Øverland, Simon Nygaard (2015): Work-focused cognitive-behavioural therapy and individual job support to increase work participation in common mental disorders: a randomized controlled multicentre trial. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 72(10), 745-752.

Carneiro, Pedro, Katrine V. Løken and Kjell G. Salvanes (2015): A Flying Start? Maternity Leave and Long Run Outcomes of Children. Journal of Political Economy, 123(2), 365-412.

Bratberg, Espen, Øivind A. Nilsen, and Kjell Vaage (2015): Intergenerational correlation in disability benefits recipiency. Oxford Economic Papers, 67 (2), 205-226.

Aakvik, Arild, Tor Helge Holmås, Egil Kjerstad (2015): Prioritization and the Elusive Effect on Welfare – A Norwegian Health Care Reform Revisited, Social Science and Medicine, 128, 290–300.

Lommerud, Kjell Erik; Straume, Odd Rune; Vagstad, Steinar (2015): Mommy tracks and public policy: On self-fulfilling prophecies and gender gaps in hiring and promotion. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization; 116, 540-554.

Bratberg, Espen and Karin Monstad (2015): Worried sick? Worker responses to a financial shock, Labour Economics, 33, 111–120.


Bratberg, Espen and Ghazala Naz (2014): Does paternity leave affect mothers' sickness absence? European Sociological Review, 30(4), 500-511.

Black, Sandra, Paul J. Devereux, Katrine V. Løken and Kjell G. Salvanes (2014): Care or Cash? The Effect of Child Care Subsidies on Student Performance. Review of Economics and Statistics, 96(5), 824-837.

Dahl, Gordon, Andreas Kostøl, and Magne Mogstad (2014): Family Welfare Cultures. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 129(4), 1711-1752.

Bratberg, Espen, Karsten Rieck and Kjell Vaage (2014): Intergenerational Earnings Mobility and Divorce. Journal of Population Economics, 27(4), 1107-1126.

Dahl, Gordon, Katrine V. Løken and Magne Mogstad (2014): Peer Effects in Program Participation. American Economic Review, 104, 2049-2074.

Kostøl, Andreas and Magne Mogstad (2014): How Financial Incentives Induce Disability Insurance Recipients to Return to Work. American Economic Review, 104(2), 624-55.

Prashant Bharadwaj, Julian Vedeler Johnsen, and Katrine Løken (2014): Smoking Bans, Maternal Smoking and Birth Outcomes, Journal of Public Economics, (115), 72-93.

2010 - 2013

Hagist, Christian; Raffelhüschen, Bernt; Risa, Alf Erling; Vårdal, Erling (2013): Long-Term Fiscal Effects of Public Pension Reform in Norway - A Generational Accounting Analysis. Nordic Journal of Political Economy. 38, 1-23.

Hole, Arne Risa, Julie Riise Kolstad, Dorte Gyrd-Hansen (2013): Inferred vs stated attribute non-attendance in choice experiments: A study of doctors’ prescription behavior. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 96, 21-31.

Løken, Katrine Vellesen; Bharadwaj, Prashant; Nielson, Christopher (2013): Early Life Health Interventions and Academic Achievement. The American Economic Review, (103), 1862-1891.

Løken, Katrine Vellesen; Lommerud, Kjell Erik; Lundberg, Shelly J. (2013): Your place or mine? On the residence choice of young couples in Norway. Demography, 50(1), 285-310.

Carlsen, Benedicte, Arne Risa Hole, Julie Riise Kolstad, and Ole Frithjof Norheim (2012): When you can’t have the cake and eat it too; A study of medical doctors’ priorities in complex choice situations. Social Science and Medicine, 75(11), 1664-1673.

Lommerud, Kjell Erik and Odd Rune Straume (2012): Employment Protection Versus Flexicurity: On Technology Adoption in Unionised Firms. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 114(1), 177-199.

Løken, Katrine V., Magne Mogstad and Matthew Wiswall (2012): What linear estimators miss: The effects of family income on child outcomes. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 4, 1-35.

Nilsen, Øivind Anti., Kjell Vaage, Arild Aakvik, Karl Jacobsen (2012): Intergenerational Earnings Mobility Revisited: Estimates Based on Lifetime Earnings. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 114(1), 1-23.

Grasdal, Astrid and Karin Monstad (2011): Inequity in the use of physician services in Norway before and after introducing patient lists in primary care. International Journal for Equity in Health, 10:25.

Kolstad, Julie Riise (2011): How can rural jobs be made more attractive to Tanzanian health workers? Results from a discrete choice experiment, Health Economics, 20(2), 196-211.

Bratberg, Espen, Kjell G. Salvanes and Kjell Vaage (2010): Has job stability decreased? Population data from a small open economy. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 112(1), 163-183.

Løken, Katrine V. (2010): Family income and children’s education: Using the Norwegian oil boom as a natural experiment. Labour Economics, 17, 118-129.

Mæstad, Ottar, Gaute Torsvik, and Arild Aakvik (2010): Overworked? The relationship between workload and health worker performance in rural Tanzania. Journal of Health Economics, 29, 686-698.

Aakvik, Arild, Tor Helge Holmås and M. Kamrul Islam (2010): Does variation in GP practice matter for the length of sickness absenteeism? A multilevel analysis based on Norwegian GP--patient data. Social Science and Medicine, 70, 1590-1598.

Aakvik, Arild and Kjell G. Salvanes and Kjell Vaage (2010): Measuring heterogeneity in the returns to education using an education reform. European Economic Review, 54, 483-500.