
NutriNOR - National Research School in Nutrition

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A map showing Nutrinor's partners

NutriNOR is a national research school in nutrition and is led by the University of Bergen. It was established with funding from the Research Council of Norway in 2022. The main aim of NutriNOR is to enhance and increase the quality of research education and the scientific and professional training of PhD candidates.

Summer school
Piet Selke giving a lecture at NutriNOR summer school 2023

NutriNOR summer school 2023

The first summer school organized by NutriNOR shed light on "Food safety, risk assessment and new approach methodologies (NAM) in nutrition and toxicology".

Teacher explaining in front of a class

PhD conference 2022

The very first NutriNOR PhD conference was held in Bergen.

Auditorium at Castelbrando in Cison di Valmarino

Summer school in Treviso, Italy

PhD candidate Fjorida Llaha reports from Treviso in Italy, where she attended the Summer School on Modern Methods in Biostatistics and Epidemiology.

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