SDG Conference in Bergen

Day Zero: Wednesday 6 February 2019

As a warming up to the 2019 SDG Conference Bergen there will be a pre-conference day of workshops and other events – Day Zero on 6 February.

Main content

Day Zero: Wednesday 6 February 2019 is intended to allow interested parties to:

  • self-organize and run half day workshops and side events on selected topics related to the main conference
  • provide outreach to audiences beyond the conference

Participation in Day Zero events is open to all and free of chargeRegister for Day Zero

The events take place at The Student Centre at Parkveien 1, The Academic Quarter (Kvarteret) at Olav Kyrresgate 49 and The University Aula at Muséplassen 3. Google map

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For questions about Day Zero, please contact the workshop organiser directly or send us an e-mail.

There are 21 workshops/events registered for Day Zero 2019:

1. SDG #3: Global Health Priorities explained  |  Christie Café, 08:30

Time: 08:30-09:30
Venue: Christie Café, The University Aula
Facebook: www.facebook.com/events/353673112084280/
Organiser: Bergen Global
Contact: Kjersti Berg

Ole Frithjof Norheim (UiB), Ingrid Miljeteig (UiB) and Muluken Argaw in conversation with Linn Jeanette Rundhovde Knudsen (UiB).

Two women in rural Ethiopia are diagnosed with cancer. One is a 35-year-old woman and mother of three. She has breast cancer. The other, is a young girl without her own family yet. She has leukemia. They face the same challenge: They are poor and cannot afford the treatment that can save their lives. Who do you choose to save?

Can science come up with answers on who should have the highest priority? Is it possible to design fair solutions in low-income countries, where budgets are scarce? With hands-on experience from Ethiopia Miljeteig, Argaw and Norheim will discuss priorities and ethical dilemmas in the doctor and patient meeting and in the financing and design of healthcare policies in low income countries.

About the panelists:
Ingrid Miljeteig is a physician and an associate professor in medical ethics in the research group Global Health Priorities.
Ole Frithjof Norheim is a physician and professor in medical ethics and director of the research group Global Health Priorities, and adjunct Professor at the Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health.
Muluken Argaw Haile is a physician and currently a researcher in the project ´Disease Control Priorities – Ethiopia´. He was recruited from The Federal Ministry of Health in Ethiopia, where he held the position as Head of Dire Dawa regional health bureau.
Linn Jeanette Rundhovde Knudsen, MSc Global Health and Public Policy, and research coordinator of Global Health Priorities.

This event is part of our ongoing Explained Series, where we invite experts to explain complex topics.

All are warmly welcome! We will serve coffee, tea & croissants

2. Using SDGs to focus teaching and learning  |  The Student Centre, 09:00

Time: 09:00
Venue: The Student Centre
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/555503521615831/
Organiser: UiB
Contact: Katja Enberg

The multidimensionality of the SDG challenges means that often no single right or wrong answer exists, but the SDGs provide a useful focus area for teaching, and help highlight the relevance of research to the society and future research needs.

The Department of Biological Sciences at UiB has in spring 2019 launched two new courses, SDG214 - Life below water and SDG215 - Life on land. Our ambition is to challenge the students to think critically and take responsibility of their own learning, and we therefore use active learning methods. Highlighting the trade-offs and interdependencies between the different SDGs is central, and in addition to learning about biological and physical processes, the students will train in identifying and separating between scientific knowledge, values, and ideologies, and practice composing and using scientifically solid arguments in societally relevant debates.

This workshop will be a forum for everyone interested in setting up a course on one or a combination of the SDGs. We describe how we have chosen to compile the courses, and a major part of the workshop will be devoted to brainstorming and discussing ideas and plans for how the educators in Bergen could come together to cover all the 17 SDGs.

3. Knowledge, skills, and competencies for the SDGs  |  The Student Centre, 10:00

Time: 10:00-12:00
Venue: The Student Centre
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/323429778283520/
Organiser: Centre for the study of the sciences and the humanities, UiB
Contact: Jan Reinert Karlsen

Discipline-based teaching at universities is organized in a way that only to a limited extent align with the underlying problems and complex realities that the SDGs need to address. This deficiency requires new interdisciplinary thinking and approaches to societal and environmental problems. The workshop will address the problems and prospects of how universities, as a community of diverse disciplines and academic cultures, can help to critically unpack and address the SDGs.

The workshop will discuss a planned interdisciplinary course at UiB targeted specifically at the SDGs. The course is designed to comprise an open for all and ongoing institutional contribution to the understanding and fulfilling of the SDGs. Active learning strategies and designs will be used to build a shared university culture where students can communicate across disciplinary boundaries, critically reflect upon knowledge claims in relation to the SDGs, and enable them to act thoughtfully on issues that involve complexity, multiple contexts, and high degrees of uncertainty. The open for all design of the course will serve as a common meeting space for students and staff as well as an ongoing learning process for the university about the SDGs.

The workshop will facilitate an interactive teaching and learning environment using digital tools and group work.

Time table:

10:00-10:10 – Welcome and background (Jan Reinert Karlsen)

10:10-10:40 – Creating an interdisciplinary teaching program to address Sustainable Development Goals (Kjetil Rommetveit and Jan Reinert Karlsen)

10:40-11:10 – Example of a teaching perspective: Multiple uncertainties and multiple challenges to the electrification of informal settlements in South Africa (Zora Kovacic)

11:10-11:20 – Short break

11:20-11:40 – Group work (sampling exercise): How should universities approach the SDGs in terms of practices and designs of teaching and learning? What knowledges, skills, and competencies can universities contribute with? What needs to be developed? (NB! You will need a smartphone, tablet, or laptop to participate in this exercise!) (Jan Reinert Karlsen and Thor Olav Iversen)

11:40-12:00 Plenary conversation about sampled ideas on knowledges, skills, and competencies. (Jan Reinert Karlsen, Zora Kovacic, Kjetil Rommetveit, and Thor Olav Iversen)

4. Accountable Climate Action for Energy Transition  |  The Student Centre, 09:00

Time: 09:00-11:00
Venue: The Student Centre
Facebook: www.facebook.com/events/362502951210451
Organiser: Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation, UiB
Contact: Siddharth Sareen

How can sustainability scientists working on energy transitions participate in climate action? We must engage and inform the public, represent and promote public interest, and hold ourselves accountable. In a world where sustainability is a buzzword and academic conferences still rely on air travel, these are hard tasks! But at the Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation, or CET, we are determined to find better ways and lead by example.

Four CET employees (PhD Agnete Hessevik, research coordinator Kårstein Måseide, postdocs Gregory Ferguson-Cradler and Siddharth Sareen) will share examples of current efforts. We will introduce and reflect on the CET travel policy, which we are trialling and hope to expand soon for wider adoption. We will present an ‘idea box’ launched at the Climate Festival 112 (January 2019) to crowd-source solutions for energy transitions from residents towards a spring 2019 public exhibition in Bergen. To invite your contributions, we will play an interactive game that generates collaborative ideas. Join our workshop for a conversation on how to work with SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 7 (Clean Energy for All) both through ideas and in practice!

5. Veien framover: SDG 4 og lærerutdanningen  |  The Student Centre, 11:00

Tid: 11:00-12:00
Sted: The Student Centre
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2157327924582379/
Organisator: United Nation Association of Norway / FN-sambandet
Contact: Mette Bjerkaas

Å jobbe med bærekraftsmål 4.7, er å jobbe med hele 2030-agendaen, slik vi ser det. I juli 2019 skal Norge formelt rapportere på bærekraftsmål nummer 4, men det er usikkert om Norge kommer til å rapportere på delmål 4.7.

Bærekraftig utvikling er ett av tre tverrfaglige temaer som skal inn i norske skoler når nye læreplaner trer i kraft høsten 2020. Fagfornyelsen handler om å oppnå delmål 4.7 etter internasjonale indikatorer. Men hva med lærerutdanningen? Hvordan jobber de for å oppnå delmål 4.7? Hvilke muligheter og utfordringer gir dette?


Del 1: Samtale om Bærekraftsmålene og delmål 4.7 med UD/FN-sambandets generalsekretær

  • Hva innebærer delmål 4.7?
  • Hva har dette å si for skolesektoren og lærerutdanningen?

Del 2: Panelsamtale om bærekraftig utvikling som tverrfaglig tema i lærerutdanningen – hvordan løse dette i henhold til fagfornyelsen? 

Panelet består av: 

Nina Goga (HVL)
Erlend Eidsvik (HVL)
Hanna Louise Price-Stephens (Pedagogstudentene)
Evt. UD

6. Addressing "decent work"  |  AVLYST

Venue: Kvarteret
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/323353851636062/
Organisors: Fafo and UN association of Norway
Contact: Jonas Iversen

Decent work is an old and central concept for the labour movement. In addition decent work is key to reducing inequality. It is also a key component in the Nordic model of work and welfare. It is now included in the SDGs. How do actors address this this target, e.g. the relationship between employment for all and decent work? How do we link knowledge, politics and social actors in addressing this issue?

This panel debate aims to engage policy makers, labour organizations, students, and the general public.

7. Bærekraft + høyere utdanning = sant  |  The Student Centre, 11:00

Time: 11:00-16:00
Venue: The Student Centre
Organisator: Studentparlamentet ved UiB
Kontakt: Eira Garrido

Vi ønsker å invitere studentdemokratiene i Norge til å diskutere relevansen av SDG-målene i universitets og høyskole institusjoner. Vi inviterer Spire, Changemaker, NSO, SAIH, Fremtiden i våre hender, FN-studentene, Kai Grieg fra FN-sambandet & Conserned studens - til å diskutere med oss.

Arbeidsutvalget og Anja

Agenda 2030- Kresjkurs i FNs bærekraftsmål  
Kai Grieg fra FN-Sambandet

Diskusjon i grupper; Hvordan kan vi jobbe med bærekraftsmålene ved våre institusjoner?
Tor Halvorsen, initiativtaker til konferansen og førsteamanuensis ved Institutt for Administrasjon og Organisasjonsvitenskap UiB.

Hei og velkommen fra viserektor
Annelin Eriksen, viserektor for globale relasjoner

Using SDGs to focus teaching and learning
Katja Enberg   

Hva gjør NSO i sitt arbeid med bærekraftsmålene- NÅ
Jone Trovåg, internasjonalt ansvarlig i NSO.

Bærekraftsmålene + høyere utdanning = sant
Workshop med studentdemokratiene.

Rethink – Rework – Restart: Can students fix it? (at The Academic Quarter)
UiB, UiO, Restarters Norway, Tvergastein, and the Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM) at UiO

Fremtidens energikilder (at The Student Centre)
Studentersamfunnet og Studentparlamentet

8. Does climate mitigation trump other concerns?  |  University Aula, 12:00

Balancing mitigation actions and their impacts

Time: 12:00
Venue: The University Aula
Organiser: Academia Europaea and the UiB Program for Climate and Energy transformation
Contact: Eystein Jansen

Se oppføringer på uib.no og Facebook

If you missed the seminar you can watch it here

The meeting is held in conjunction with the 2019 Annual national conference on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a collaboration between Academia Europaea and the UiB Program for Climate and Energy transformation. We hope for a broad audience of academics, people from the energy sector, NGOs and the general public. The meeting takes place at University of Bergen, in the University Aula, Museplass 3, on Wednesday 6th of February 2019 12.15-17.00 (Day “Zero” of the SDG Conference).

Join the event on Facebook!

The speakers are leading academics working on the climate change and mitigation areas with broad expertise in energy systems, climate action, biodiversity and ecosystems, energy transition, climate policies in Europe, USA and China and nuclear energy.

The speakers will present major challenges and possible conflicts between the SDG goals, followed by a moderated panel discussion and questions from the audience.

The meeting and the light lunch is free of charge, and open to all interested.


It is urgent for society to reduce CO2-emissions, and to achieve the Paris targets. The available remaining carbon budget which needs to be kept to be within the Paris targets of 1.5 or 2 degrees warming above pre-industrial levels is very limited. This calls for unprecedented and extremely rapid changes in energy production and consumption, as well as other mitigating efforts. The urgency of the energy transformation requires a major restructuring and a quest for alternatives to fossil fuel based energy.

Does climate thus trump other concerns in balancing mitigation actions and their impacts? Does this imply that all renewable energy production should be welcomed? Can renewable energy sometimes come with a too high cost with respect to biodiversity, food supply and health? Do we need nuclear energy to meet the Paris targets?

When strong mitigation policies are implemented, we experience conflicting concerns. The event will discuss such conflicting issues. How far can we go to reach the climate mitigation goals, and how can we balance concerns and impacts while working towards SDG Goal 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy, SDG Goal 2 - Zero Hunger, SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-Being and SDG 13 – Climate Action?

The speakers are leading academics working on the climate change and mitigation areas with broad expertise in energy systems, climate action, biodiversity and ecosystems, energy transition, climate policies in Europe, USA and China and nuclear energy.

The speakers will present major challenges and possible conflicts between the SDG goals, followed by a moderated panel discussion and questions from the audience.


12:15-13:00 - Mingling and a light meal (requires registration)

13.00-13:05 - Welcome by the organizers

13:05-14:50 - 20 min presentations by the speakers

14:50-15:10 - Break coffee/tea

15:10-16:10 - Panel discussion between speakers

16:10-17:00 - Panel discussion and Q/A with audience

Speakers and moderator

Professor Matthias Kaiser – UiB
Professor Jeroen van der Sluijs – UiB
Professor Vigdis Vanvik – UiB
Professor Tore Furevik – UiB
Professor Miranda Schreurs - TU Munchen

Moderator: Hans-Kristian Ringkjøb, PhD student in UiBs renewable energy programme.


9. How do we feed 10 billion people in 2050?  |  The Student Centre, 13:00

Time: 13:00
Venue: The Student Centre
Organiser: NMBU
Contact: Solve Sæbø

Do we make food from trees? Do we eat seaweed salad and beetle bread? Can we feed salmon without destroying the rain forest? Join us for a peak into the crystal ball with our prominent researchers at NMBU and hear about how interdisciplinarity is necessary for solving the global challenges.

In this event you will hear about:

  • Digital Salmon - where sustainability in aquaculture is aided by systems biology and computer science
  • FoodProFuture - focusing on innovative and sustainable exploitation of plant protein in future foods
  • WoodPrebiotics - dealing with production of sugars from non-edible sources like trees
  • Foods of Norway - aiming to feed fish and farm animals using sustainable new ingredients.

Following the fours presentations we will sum up with a panel discussion on the importance of interdiciplinarity in meeting the sustainability goals.

Participants: Jon Olav Vik (DigiSal), Anne Kjersti Uhlen (FoodProFuture), Bjørge Westereng (WoodPrebiotics) and Ragnhild Solheim (Director of research and innovation, NMBU).

Moderator is Solve Sæbø (Prorector of education, NMBU)

10. Chinese and Nordic Priorities in the SDG 2030 Agenda  |  The Student Centre, 13:00

Where We Meet and Differ

Time: 13:00-15:30
Venue: The Student Centre
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1985422268192519/
Organisers: Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) and the University of Bergen (UiB).
Contact: Hans Jørgen Gåsemyr

Where do Chinese and Nordic SDG interests meet and differ? We study different countries’ sustainable development efforts and have invited Mr Erik Solheim to discuss opportunities and challenges facing the 2030 Agenda. We focus on economic relations and aid, peace operations, climate and ocean – with special attention to Chinese and Nordic international engagements. We present early insights from our ongoing research and invite you to join our discussion.

Solheim has vast and top level diplomatic and political experience from development, environment and peace and conflict. He recently led UN Environment and he is the former chair of the OECD Development Assistance Committee. He has served as Minister of Environment and International Development. He has worked closely with Chinese counterparts many years.

Moderator: Camilla Brautaset (professor and head of the UiB advisory board on China-relations) 

Research presentations:
International SDG priorities - Hans Jørgen Gåsemyr (NUPI/UiB)
Economic engagements in Africa - Elling Tjønneland (CMI)
Peace and conflict involvement - Kari M Osland (NUPI)
Climate change impacts and ocean economies - Lingling Suo (Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center) and Hans Jørgen Gåsemyr

11. Public perceptions of climate change  |  The Student Centre, 14:00

Time: 14:00-16:00
Venue: The Student Centre
Organiser: Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation
Contact: Endre Tvinnereim & Gisela Böhm

Climate change is arguably one of the most serious challenges the world is facing today. Preventing dangerous levels of climate change has become a major policy objective, both nationally and internationally. The social transformations necessary for achieving this objective require widespread and sustained public support, with public perceptions of climate change playing a critical role in understanding people’s willingness to both change their own behaviours and support policies to tackle climate change. In this symposium we will bring together researchers combining empirical and methodological innovations in the study of public perceptions of climate change and present new results to inform the debate on policies and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Charles Ogunbode: Predictors and effects of public belief in climate-induced mass immigration to Europe

Gisela Böhm: Emotional reactions to climate change: Appraisal patterns and behavioral implications

Thea Gregersen: Worry about climate change: the role of mental models and political ideology

Gregory Ferguson-Cradler, Endre Tvinnereim, Andrew Salway & Steven Wilson: Language and discourse surrounding electric vehicles in Norway

12. Human Rights Education for 2030  |  The Student Centre, 13:00

Time: 13:00-14:30
Venue: The Student Centre
Organiser: The Raoul Wallenberg Institute for Human rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) and the Rafto Foundation for Human Rights
Contact: Zuzana Zalanova

One of the key principles of human rights education is to make knowledge more accessible to everyone. While human rights education supports the 2030 Agenda,and its “leaving no one behind” principle in particular, it also helps advance Sustainable Development Goals. Our workshop will discuss how universities do so, in various academic disciplines, including human rights education for business. 

The Raoul Wallenberg Institute for Human rights and Humanitarian Law has been promoting human rights education for over 30 years with academic institutions in Sweden and globally. It will present how education about, through, and for human rights supports universities to be more inclusive within their curricula helps them reach out to other members of our societies.

The Rafto Foundation for Human Rights, engages with the University of Bergen, IHRB and with the NHH Norwegian School of Economics to raise awareness about the corporate responsibility to respect human rights and build capacity on how to implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. It will discuss how to develop these capacities for practitioners and future practitioners also via participatory approaches.

13:00 - 13:10 Welcome
Mr. Jostein Hole Kobbeltvedt, Executive Director, The Rafto Foundation
Ms. Zuzana Zalanova, Director, Europe Office, a.i., The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

13:10 - 13:30 The Business and human rights agenda: Why is education crucial?
Prof. Radu Mares, Team Leader of Economic Globalisation and Human Rights, The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

13:30 - 14:00 Panel Discussion
Prof. Radu Mares
Prof. Terje Einarsen, Faculty of Law, University of Bergen
Ms. Ingvild Farstad, student at NHH Norwegian School of Economics
Ms. Sausan Hussain, student at the Law Faculty, University of Bergen, and member of the University Board
Ms. Therese Jebsen, Senior Advisor, Business and Human Rights,  The Rafto Foundation

Moderator: Ms. Zuzana Zalanova

14:00 - 14:30 Discussion with audience

13. Decolonizing and democratizing knowledge  |  The Student Centre, 13:00

Time: 13:00
Venue: The Student Centre
Organisers: SAIH and UiB
Contact: Beathe Øgård

Addressing SDG 4 and specifically SDG 4.3 on ensuring equal access to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university.  

In this session we will address which challenges we are facing in order to provide quality and access to higher education globally. We will look into which concrete policy measures that can be provided, both in a Norwegian and global context to ensure that agenda 2030 is more than a mere vision.

In 2015 students in South Africa removed the statue of former colonial ruler Cecil Rhodes from campus at the University of Cape Town. The campaign #RhodesMustFall generated global attention and led to a wider movement to “decolonise” education across South Africa. The demand to decoonizing the academy connects contemporary racialised disadvantages with wider historical processes of colonialism, seeking to expose them and transform them through forms of collective action and reflection. A background assumption is that the global histories of Western domination have had the effect of limiting what counts as authoritative knowledge, whose knowledge is recognised, what universities teach, how they teach it and for whom the universities should be for.

Students and academics worldwide are struggling to promote higher education as a public good and fighting to counteract the narrative of higher education as a commodity in order to provide fair and equal access for everyone. In 2015 the #FeesMustFall student movement started as a reaction to an increase in tuition fees at South African universities. This movement also addresses wider issues of inequalities and racial disputes within South Africa, closing the gates of higher education for the poor and marginalised groups.

In Norway the debate on decolonising higher education was initiated by the Norwegian Students’ and Academics International Assistance Fund (SAIH) and addresses unequal power structures within academia and works to promote diverse, fair and democratic higher education institutions.

Target group: Students, academics, researchers and development practitioners from the global north and south interested in addressing challenges we are facing in order to provide access to quality higher education and look into concrete policy measures that can be provided both in a Norwegian, and global context to ensure that agenda 2030 is more than a mere vision.

Facilitator: Tor Halvorsen, Associate Professor, Department of Administration and Organization Theory (University of Bergen)


- Takunda Tanyanyiwa, Norec-participant and student leader from Zimbabwe (SAIH)
- Beathe Øgård, president, Norwegian Students’ and Academics International Assistance Fund (SAIH)
- Jeanette Da Silva, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)
- Stefan Skupien, WZB, Berlin
- Susanne Koch, Technical University of Munich
- Fasiha Hassan, Student Peace Prize 2019 laureate and deputy president of South African Union of Students (SAUS)

14. SDG 8 and SDG 10: Challenges for policy coherence  |  AVLYST

Venue: Kvarteret
Organiser: Forum for utvikling og miljø
Contact: Ingrid Rostad

15. Zero emission neighbourhoods and sustainable cities  |  Kvarteret, 13:00

Time: 13:00
Venue: Kvarteret
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/606817476444963/
Organiser: NTNU
Contact: Helge Brattebø

In this half-day workshop the focus is on sustainability and innovation in the built environment. The session will combine presentations from leading research and innovation projects with interactive sessions on central topics in the field.

The workshop will also involve representatives from user partners in public and private sector. The aim is to exchange ideas on new perspectives, methods and solutions in research and planning of urban built environment, and present findings from state-of-the-art research projects.

The target group of this workshop is MSc and PhD students, researchers and planners interested in or working with urban sustainability.

The workshop is led by selected professors from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU Trondheim.

Annemie Wyckmans is professor at NTNU Faculty of Architecture and Design. She is in charge of the H2020 Lighthouse project +CityXchange, focusing on positive energy blocks, involving ten countries in Europe.

Arild Gustavsen is professor at NTNU Faculty of Architecture and Design and Director of FME ZEN – the Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods in Smart Cities.

Helge Brattebø is professor in Industrial Ecology, in charge of LCA and work package leader in FME ZEN. He is also Director of NTNU Sustainability – one of four thematic strategic areas at NTNU.

16. Rethinking student involvement in higher education  |  Kvarteret, 14:00

Time: 14:00-16:00
Venue: Kvarteret
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2265964350283253/
Organiser: UiB Collaboratory
Contact: Jakob Grandin

How can we design and organise higher education that is truly interdisciplinary, makes students active learners and takes on the defining sustainability challenges of our time? At the UiB Collaboratory, we are rethinking and reworking higher education to engage with sustainable development and enable interdisciplinary collaboration. 

In this workshop, we will discuss how sustainable development can be a driver of innovation in higher education. We will discuss practical examples of how we have designed and organised student-centered learning activities at the UiB Collaboratory, and use a highly interactive "backcasting" approach to identify opportunities and strategies for reworking higher education in terms of content, teaching methods and organisation

Facilitators and presenters
- Synnøve Beitnes, coordinator of Bergen International Student Conference and student at the Dept. of Geography at UiB
- Johan Elfving, coordinator of UiB's new student-led, interdisciplinary course CET201 Sustainable Innovation and student at the Dept. of Comparative Politics at UiB
- Jakob Grandin, convener of the UiB Collaboratory and PhD Fellow at the Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation

17. Samstemt politikk og Visjon 2030  |  AVLYST

Organisator: Samstemthetsutvalget
Kontakt: Svein Erik Stave

Samstemthetsutvalget bygger på en pågående diskusjon om hvordan skape samsvar mellom ulike politikkområder innen utviklingspolitkken. De 17 bærekraftsmålene utgjør en helhet innen FNs Visjon 2030. Kravene til samstemthet mellom de enkelte målene blir sett på som en forutsetning for realiseringen av denne visjonen. Dette er kanskje den største utfordringen for Agenda 2030. Denne "workshoppen" tar utgangspunkt i pågående arbeide med, og diskusjoner omkring, de utfordringer kravet om samstemthet represeterer, basert på "Samstemthetsutvalgets innstilling". Workshoppen vil ha inledrere fra utvalgets forfattere, fra universitet, departement og andre.

18. Bærekraftsmålene og profesjonsutdanningene  |  Kvarteret, 15:00

Bærekraftsmålene og profesjonene – hvordan skal vi nå målene?

Time: 15:00-17:00
Venue: Kvarteret
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/356909648191499/
Organisators: NITO og Unio i samarbeid med Universitetet i Bergen og Høgskulen på Vestlandet
Kontakt: Liz Helgesen

Hvordan kan ulike profesjoner bidra til måloppnåelse?
Kort innledning ved Leif Frode Onarheim, varaordfører Asker kommune

Leif Frode Onarheim
Janicke Røgler, leder av Bibliotekarforbundet
Tom Skauge, leder for Institutt for økonomi og administrasjon, Høgskulen på Vestlandet
Tobias Lynghaug, leder av NITO-studentene

Hva kan den norske arbeidslivsmodellen bety for bærekraftsarbeidet?
Kort innledning ved Trond Markussen, NITO-president

Trond Markussen
Kristin Alsos, forskningsleder Fafo
Ruben Amble Hirsti, leder av Unio-studentene

16.00–16.10: Pause

Hvordan kan profesjonsutdanningene og forskning bidra til realisering av bærekraftmålene?
Kort innledning ved Tor Halvorsen, førsteamanuensis ved Universitetet i Bergen

Tor Halvorsen
Ruth Grung, stortingsrepresentant for Hordaland Arbeiderparti
Tormod Korpås, leder for sentralt lederråd i Utdanningsforbundet
Anja Myrtveit, studentrepresentant for Universitetet i Bergen

Debatten ledes av Anne Karin Sæther, rådgiver i Utdanningsforbundet

Alle er invitert til mingling og forfriskninger etter debatten.

19. Rethink – Rework – Restart: Can students fix it?  |  Kvarteret, 16:00

Time: 16:00-18:00
Venue: Kvarteret
Organisers: UiB, UiO, Restarters Norway, Tvergastein, and the Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM) at UiO
Contact: Lise Bjerke

How can we tackle the growing mountain of electronic waste? Bring your broken electronics and join our Restart Party – in Norwegian called “fiksefest”!

At this event, volunteer fixers from Restarters Norway will teach you how to repair your broken electronics and how to rethink the ways we consume them in the first place. You will also meet students  that are contributing to the sustainable development agenda by reworking practices and rethinking theories. Get your copy of the brand new issue of Tvergastein, a student led interdisciplinary journal on environmental issues. 

- Welcome by Sidsel Roalkvam, SUM - Centre for Development and the Environment, UiO
- From master thesis to Restarters Norway – a national repair movement for fixing the future. Kaja Ahnfelt & Kaja Juul Skarbø, Restarters Norway
- Education is broken and students can fix it! Jennifer Vallée, CityStudio Oslo
- Sustainability master’s projects. Nora Marie Haune Bornø, Vilde Paalgard & Lise Bjerke
- Peace and Environment: Launch of Tvergastein issue 12. Amy Harlowe, Andrea Pittaluga, Cristiana Voinov
- Restart Party with volunteer fixers from Restarters Norway! Fixing & mingling

20. Towards a national action plan for the SDGs  |  Kvarteret, 16:00

Best practices and lessons learned from Sweden, Denmark, and Finland

Time: 16:00-18:00
Venue: Kvarteret
Organiser: Forum for utvikling og miljø
Contact: Tonje Merete Viken

A main recommendation from Norwegian civil society organization has been that the Norwegian government adopts a national action plan for the Sustainable Development Goals. A second recommendation is that the government significantly strengthens its reporting on the progress towards the SDGs as well as policy coherence for development policies.

Sweden, Denmark, and Finland have all adopted such national action plans. This workshop aims to draw on lessons learned regarding inclusiveness of the processes, transformative potential and instruments for measuring progress on the various action plans.

Sofia Svarfvar, Policy and Advocacy Coordinator in Concord
Outi Hakkarainen, Policy Adviser for Sustainable Development i den finske paraplyorganisasjonen Finnish Development NGOs – Fingo,
Helene Gjerding, Helene Gjerding er Policy and Research Adviser i Danish 92 Group

Expected outcome

  •          The foundation for a draft paper knowledge on common Nordic challenges and solutions, best practices, follow-up, monitoring and reporting on the SDGs in the Nordic countries.
  •          A preliminary set of recommendations to be presented to the member organizations of the Norwegian Forum for Development and Environment

21. Fremtidens energikilder  |  Kvarteret, 18:00

Kan kjernekraftverket erstatte oljeriggen som Norges viktigste energiprodusent?

Tid: 18:00-20:00
Sted: The Student Centre
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2212119645774735/
Organisator: Studentersamfunnet

Norges energiforbruk øker i takt med behovet for utslippsfri og kostnadseffektiv energi. Kan vi finne en miljøvennlig erstatter for oljeriggen som Norges viktigste energiprodusent?

Teodor Nordenstrøm Bruu, leder av Grønn Ungdom
- Atle Hamar, statssekretær i Klima- og miljødepartementet fra Venstre
Ruth Grung, stortingspolitiker fra Arbeiderpartiet

Klimakrisen gjør at vi må tenke fornybart rundt energikildene våre. Kull, olje og gass står for 81% av energiproduksjonen i verden, men skal vi oppnå målene i Parisavtalen, må det kuttes i bruken av fossilt brennstoff. Hva kan erstatteren være? 

Politikerne klarer ikke å eniges om hva som er vår fremtid og når vi skal løsrive oss fra oljeavhengigheten vi lever med i dag. Det inviteres til debatt om våre fremtidige energikilder. 
