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Under the North Atlantic banner of SEATIMES, this project aims to investigate human-whale relations and their social and cultural manifestations at a time of climate uncertainty. It takes as its primary field site the town of Andenes, Andøya in the Vesterålen archipelago, in the Norwegian Arctic. Every year, around 50,000 tourists visit this place for the chance to see whales such as sperm whales, orca, and humpbacks in the surrounding waters (Camilla Ilmoni, 'The Whale' 2021: 6). The Whale, a huge visitor centre inspired by the animals and their sociocultural significance in Norway, is due to open in Andenes within the coming years. This project aims to investigate the different ways in which whales are made meaningful, whether as 'co-hunters' (Kramvig, Kristoffersen & Førde 2016), tourist attractions, cultural and environmental mascots, and in other as-yet unknown roles. It also asks what kinds of insights a multispecies, interdisciplinary methodology might contribute at a time of climate peril and anthropogenic threats to marine life.