
Systems Biology and Translational Cell Signaling

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Collage av bilder relatert til Forskningsenheten Systembiologi og Translasjonell Cellesignalering

The Systems Biology and Translational Cell Signaling Unit (STC) investigates how proteins and metabolites steer cellular processes.

Biomolecules are studied in molecular, cellular and organismal perspectives using approaches within genetics, cell biology, structural biology, bioinformatics, proteomics and metabolomics.

We study healthy cells and disease states such as cancer and neurodegenerative disease with the aim of uncovering basic molecular principles as well as disease mechanisms and biomarkers.

Bildet viser en CT scan av en person med hjerneforkalkning

Shedding new light on brain calcification

Brain calcification can cause movement disorders and cognitive impairment. New research by the Arnesen Lab at UiB provides increased insight into how these calcifications occur.

News | Research
spergillus fumigatus vokser på en petriskål.

New discoveries on deadly fungus – might be a key for treatment

Scientists at the University of Bergen (UiB) have discovered a new enzyme on the deadly fungus Aspergillus fumigatus that might unlock new treatment. The fungus kills around one million people per year worldwide, and is found “everywhere”.

Figur 1, se bildetekst for mer informasjon

UiB researchers solve protein mystery

Researchers from the University of Bergen (UiB) have uncovered that proteins use a common chemical label as a shield to protect them from degradation, which in turn affects motility and aging.

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Marc Niere og Mathias Ziegler

Discovered a shuttle that brings the "batteries" into the cell's power houses

Researchers at the University of Bergen have made a major contribution to the discovery of a protein that plays a fundamental role in human energy metabolism.