Department of Foreign Languages

News archive for Department of Foreign Languages

This year's seminar on Multilingualism became a platform for sharing some research results with one of the main target groups – pre-service teachers.
On Friday, January 15th, PhD candidate Runa Falck held a presentation on language and climate for Viken Fylkeskommune (Viken County Council).
Kjersti Fløttum has given a keynote at the international symposium “How to talk about the environment?” / ”Comment parler de l’environnement?”.
Drawing on 16th- to 21st-century American, British, French, German, Polish, Norwegian and Russian literature and philosophy, this collection teases out culturally specific conceptions of old age as well as subjective constructions of late-life identity and selfhood.
On the general meeting of the Institute for Foreign Languages on 21st October 2020, postdoctoral fellow Ida Andersen gave a presentation on her planned study associated to the CLIMLIFE project.
Laura Miles forteller om sin forskning, forskerhverdag og veien inn i forskningen.
In this post, Alessandro Carlucci talks about inherent intelligibility, intercomprehension and cross-linguistic communication in past (and present) multilingual settings.
Anthropological research on the lifestyle of traditional small-scale societies sheds light on the history of multilingualism and its role in the past of the contemporary western world.
Language is everywhere. We are surrounded by it, use it to express ourselves, to think, to learn, to act, to communicate. Language is therefore one of our highest goods. This good is not just one language but a multitude of different languages, dialects, accents, varieties and registers.
New research project within the LINGCLIM group.
Do student teachers feel prepared to teach English in multilingual classrooms? Synne Nordlie investigated student teachers’ beliefs about multilingualism in her fresh master’s thesis.
MoMM met the research group TYPOlex from Copenhagen Business School.
Kjersti Fløttum, head of the LINGCLIM research group, participated at a panel debate entitled "Apocalypse soon - or do the worries rain away?" as part of the National Science Week in Bergen.
MoMMs recently presented their research at an international conference
Professor Mike Hulme, University of Cambridge, held an open guest lecture on September 6, 2019. It is now available as a podcast.
Soledad Marambio explores issues related to ageing in the Chilean newspaper La Segunda.
UiB is planning to establish an interdisciplinary center for humanistic research. Within this framework, funds are available for two basic research projects with a deadline of 15 March.
Kva feirar me eigentleg 21. februar kvart år? Kva er i det heile morsmål?
