Extremophiles and Biotechnology

News archive for Extremophiles and Biotechnology

Sarah Marie Stoppel completed her Master's degree in Microbiology on November 8 with a molecular study of the extremophilic deep biosphere bactrerium, Kosmotoga olearia.
Ms Apinya Singkhala has been a visiting PhD student in the General Microbiology group for 11 months with funding from the Thai Resarch Fund to work on thermophiles and enzymes with the aim to improve processes for production of biofuels from agricultural waste products. She is returning to the Thaksin University in Thailand to continue her PhD studies. We will miss her greatly!
Ticha is returning to Thailand after 6 months as guest researcher in the General Microbiology research group.
Ms Apinya Singkhala has a Royal Golden Jubilee PhD scholarship awarded by the Thai Research Fund for a 10 month reseach visit to BIO. She will work on thermophilic bacteria and hydrolytic enzymes from hot springs in Thailand.
Nikoleta Ivanova Boteva is visiting General Microbiology for 6 months as a part of an EEA project with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences on extremophiles research.
Faustina Asare completed har Master's degree in Microbiology on December 18 with a study on the genetic basis for serotypic (O-antigenic) variation in enteric bacterial isolates.
A joint EEA project on diversity and biotechnology of extremophilic Archaea from geothermal environments in Bulgaria has been awarded to the General Microbiology research group and the Institute of Microbiology, The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Yong Yan Lao completed her Master degree in Microbiology on December 16 on a study of the protein secretome in an ancient extremophilic bacterium that inhabits deep and hot petroleum reservoirs. Congratulations!
Kjetil Dale has completed his Master degree in microbiology on a study of thermostable transketolase enzymes from an extremophilic bacterium from the deep hot biosphere. Congratulations!
Sudeep Karki has completed his Master degree in microbiology on a study of thermostable sugar aminotransferse enzymes from the deep subsurface. Congratulations!
Lianna Poghosyan completed her Master degree in microbiology in May 2015 on a study of microbial diversity in Armenian geothermal environments. Congratulations!
Microbial diversity in tropical aquatic environments
Environmental microbiology in Bangladesh
