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UiB AI is a platform to coordinate, promote and make visible research, education and innovation initiatives in artificial intelligence at the University of Bergen, and to facilitate for collaboration and contact both between faculties of UiB and with partners and collaborators outside of UiB.

University of Bergen is a founding partner of NORA – Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium, a collaboration within AI, machine learning and robotics between 15 academic institutions in Norway.

Contact us: uibai@uib.no

tekstplakat for arrangementet

CuttingEdgeAI with Stuart Russell - a Kavli Prize Week Special

UiB is representet when The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, in collaboration with The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters and the Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium (NORA), is hosting CuttingEdgeAI, a special event during the Kavli Prize Week.
Participants in the discussion

University of Bergen Hosts Discussion on Digital Skills in the EU

Digital skills are crucial in society, and the need to provide these for all is becoming increasingly urgent. UiB and partners discussed solutions and possibilities at an event in Brussels recently.

Jill Walker Rettberg

ERC wants to see what shapes the stories AI tells us

Professor Jill Walker Rettberg receives an ERC Advanced Grant to see how narrative archetypes influence the future of artificial intelligence.

Research talk
Mann med briller og mørkt hår

«A formal, methodical approach to artificial intelligence suits me well»

Rustam Galimullin is one of several experts in artificial intelligence at UiB. Learn more about him and his research here.


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