Funding opportunity for digitalization in research and education
Digitalization does not only change the way we teach and do research, it also changes the research questions themselves, as well as the competencies needed in an education fit for the future. UiB now calls for proposals from research groups, departments or study programs seeking to enhance their research or teaching related to digitalization.

Main content
UiB received a 3 mill. NOK gift from Unifob. The university leadership want to use these funds to strengthen the research and eductaion on issues and possibilities related to digitalizatoin (alrogithms, AI, machine learning, big data, etc.) across disciplines.
The funds will support projects looking at unmet potential in the possibilities and issues related to digitalization in their research- og education portfolio.
Who can apply?
Proposals from research groups, departments or study programs seeking to enhance their research or teaching related to digitalization can be supported. This could be including new research questions on the challenges with new technologies, implementing new digital tools and methods, or integrating digital knowledge in existing stury programs.
The funds should be used to upgrade a research area or study program in relation to the international delevopment in the field. This should be an upgrade to the content, methods or tools used in the research or curriculum. Digital teaching in general are not included in this call.
All full time faculty members at the University of Bergen can apply.
How to apply?
The call opens for 1-2 applications from each faculty. The amount of funding for each proposal is up to 1 mil. NOK. The total amount of funding available for this call is 3 mill. NOK.
All applications must be sent by ePhorte to the Department of Research and Innovation by May 1st, 2022.
NB! As the call only opens for 1-2 proposals per faculty, there may be shorter deadlines at your local faculty/department. Ask your faculty if you are considering applying.
The application must include the following:
- A written proposal (max. 3 pages) describing the planned activities and how this will benefit the research area or study program
- Budget and timeline (included in the 3 pages)
- Signed endorsement from head of department or center
A committee with members from the UiB AI steering group will give its recommendations before the final decision is made by the university leadership.
All receivers of funds must deliver a short (max. 4 pages) final report by December 1st, 2023.
Selection criteria
- The application fulfills all formal requirements
- The project reflects the purpose of the call
- The project seems feasible within the proposed budget and time frame
- The project will provide something new to the research group/department/study program and contribute to a boost for the research group and to UiB.
For questions, please contact