BMED904 - Graduate Course in Extracellular Matrix (2021)
The course will cover various aspects of extracellular matrix (ECM) biology. A recurring theme will be the roles of the various ECM molecules and their functions in health and disease. Online event. The lectures are open to all interested.

Main content
The PhD course Matrix Biology (BMED904) course will run June 07-11, 2021.
Place: We hoped for a combination of on location at the University of Bergen, Haukeland University Hospital, and a live Zoom streaming online, but with current corona measures, it will be performed online only. Practical lab methods will be shown on video. Zoom links will be sent to the registered participants.
This year, the BMED904 course will be joint with the DIKU Summer School in Fibrosis.
- Extracellular matrix
- Imaging in biomedical research
- Proteoglycans, cell-matrix receptors
- Laminin- muscular dystrophy
- The brain matrix and its potential role in disease
- Fibroblast heterogeneity
- Artificial matrices for stem cell culture
- Fibroblasts in fibrosis research
- Fibroblast cell migration
- Traction Force microscopy
- Myofibroblasts
- Collagens and cell-collagen interactions
- Methods for discovery of new proteins that mediate remodeling of the extracellular matrix
- Heart Fibrosis
- The multifaceted role of CCN proteins in fibrotic stroma
- Integrins in fibrosis
- Mechanotransduction in cancer
- CAF heterogeneity
- Wayne Carver, USC, USA
- Daniela E. Costea, UiB, Norway
- Martin Decaris, Pliant Therapeutics, USA
- Madeleine Durbeej- Hjalt, Lund univ. Sweden
- Donald Gullberg, UiB, Norway
- Ritva Heljasvaara, Univ. Oulu, Finland
- Marion Kusche-Gullberg, UiB, Norway
- Andrew Leask, USask, Canada
- Chris McCulloch, UoT, Canada
- Cathy Merry, Nottingham UK
- Roya Navab, UoT, Canada
- Roger Oria-Fernandez, UCSF, USA
- Joanna Phillips, UCSF, USA
- Sergey Plotnikov, UoT, Canada
- Andreas Romaine, UiO, Norway
- Ronen Schuster, UoT, Canada
- Kalle Sipilä, London, UK
- Frits Thorsen, UiB, Norway
Scientific program: See the updated program at this link.
ECTS: This is a 3 ECTS course at the University of Bergen. NOTE: If you need to register ECTS, you need to either be a registered student at the UiB, or register as a guest student.
- Candidates/students enrolled at the UiB register through Studentweb. Deadline is February 1st. The system opens for applications December 7th.
- External candidates/students (enrolled in other organizations than UiB) who would like to have the ECTS added, register through Søknadsweb, where they simultaneously apply for UiB guest student status. Deadline is February 1st. The system opens for applications December 1st.
- If you only want to follow the lectures of this course for professional updates and don’t need the ECTS, please register here to get access.
Contact: Administrative coordinator is Margarethe Bittins. Academic responsible are Marion Kusche-Gullberg and Donald Gullberg.