Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO
CCBIO research school

CCBIO906 Cancer Genomics, 2023

This 3 ECTS course will provide a broad understanding of aspects related to the cancer genome. Methods for analyzing DNA and RNA will be covered, including next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies. Focus will be on mutations, copy-number alterations, chromatin structures and RNA transcriptome and expression patterns. Further, ethical, legal aspects, and hereditary predispositions in relation to investigations of the cancer genome will be taught.

Man contemplatig over a dna string

Main content

When: October 23-26, 2023

Program: is available here.

If you are already enrolled at the University of Bergen (UiB) and want the 3 ECTS, you register through Studentweb. Deadline is September 1. Now closed.

If you are not enrolled at the UiB but want the 3 ECTS, you can apply for guest student status through SøknadswebDeadline is August 15Now closed.

If you don't need the 3 ECTS (studiepoeng) registered as part of an education/degree, and just want to join the lectures for professional update, you register through this link. Now closed.

Who: Mainly intended for PhD candidates, but open to all. 

Place: Personal attendance in an auditorium at campus Haukeland University Hospital. 

  • Monday 23.10: Auditorium 4, BB-building
  • Tuesday 24.10: Auditorium 4, BB-building 
  • Wednesday 25.10: The auditorium in Armauer Hansens hus
  • Thursday 26.10: The conference room, BB-building (across from Aud. 2/stairs) 

Upon completing this course the candidate should have:

Knowledge regarding

  • What kinds of mutations may predispose for, contribute to, or appear during cancer development.
  • How these variants can be detected by NGS methods and be analyzed bioinformatically.
  • How to employ these methods to stratify patients both diagnostically and therapeutically.
  • The different implications of the same aberrations depending on tissue type.
  • Ethical and legal regulations regarding genetic analyses of patient samples.


  • Can formulate problems, select and plan for appropriate NGS analyses on samples from cancer patients.
  • Be able to assess the expediency and application of different NGS methods in cancer diagnostics and research.
  • To know the contact points for NGS analysis and data storage and analysis in the Bergen area.
  • Be able to communicate relevant literature and methods concerning cancer genomics.

General Competency

  • Be able to evaluate how knowledge about the cancer genome can help understanding tumor biology and as a guidance to improve diagnosis, targeted treatment and follow-up of cancer patients. 

Reading list: is available here.

Open to PhD candidates who are affiliated with the Centre for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO), but is also open to other students, PhD candidates and students at the Medical Student Research Program, and other interested.
Master's degree or equivalent education level is required, with the exception of students on the Medical Student Research Programme. 

Contact: If you have any questions, please contact academic responsible Erling A. Høivik erling.hoivik@uib.no.