Centre for Crisis Psychology
Student fellowship

Sunniva Mollandsøy

Young adult cancer survivors experiences with upholding studies and work during the cancer trajectory

Main content

Sunniva Mollandsøy is a 3rd year student at professional studies in psychology, University in Bergen.

Background: Cancer in young adulthood (18-35 years of age) is rare, and the treatment is often multimodal, long lasting and aggressive. Additionally, young adulthood is a vulnerable period of life with completion of studies and start of a work career. However, we have little knowledge about how young adult cancer survivors (YACS) experience facilitation of studies and work during their cancer trajectory.

Goal and research question: The overall aim of this student project is to increase the knowledge of YACS’s experiences of upholding studies/work during their cancer treatment trajectory. More specific, we aim to answer the research question: “How do YACS experience the follow-up and facilitation of studies/work from employers and NAV during their cancer trajectory?” 

Method: This is a qualitative study with an explorative, descriptive design (IDD). The study builds on transcribed interviews of 20 YACS who were interviewed four times during a period of six months. Data will be analysed using Systematic Text Condensation.

Results: The student will have a focus on analysing the data and writing the findings. Together with her supervisor, May Hauken, we will write a scientific paper based on the findings.