
New blog post on EFTA-studies: The 2024 Norwegian EEA Review: Norway as an ever deeper integrated outsider

A new blog post has been published on EFTA-studies.org about the 2024 Norwegian EEA Review. The post is authored by Halvard Haukeland Fredriksen, professor at the University of Bergen and member of the 2022-2024 EEA Review Committee.

Blog post
Faculty of Law, University of Bergen

Main content

In May 2022, 30 years after the signing of the EEA Agreement in Porto in 1992, the Norwegian government appointed an independent committee to review Norway’s experience as a member of the European Economic Area in the 10 years that had then lapsed since the previous such undertaking – the 2012 report of the Norwegian EEA Review Committee of 2010-2012. In the spring of 2024, as the EEA Agreement celebrates its 30th year in force, the EEA Review Committee of 2022-2024 handed its report over to the government.     

The report in its entirety is available in Norwegian only, but the summary chapter has been translated into English by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (see here). It runs to 25 pages and presents all of the Committee’s main findings, assessments and recommendations. The purpose of this blogpost is not to write a summary of the summary, but rather to provide some context, highlight certain findings that might arguably be considered to provide new insights, recommend a number of external reports commissioned by the Committee and comment briefly on the reception of the Committee’s report.    

You can read the post here.