Contact the research group
Professor Aslak Hjeltnes (research group leader)
Email: aslak.hjeltnes@uib.no
Professor Elisabeth Schanche (Head of video lab)
Email: elisabeth.schanche@uib.no
Professor Signe Hjelen Stige (Head of clinical training research)
Email: signe.stige@uib.no
Exploring the process of change and improving clinical training in psychotherapy
Welcome to the Research Group for Psychotherapy Research and Therapist Training (Bergen Psychotherapy Change Lab).
We study change processes and outcomes in psychotherapy and evidence-based principles for training future therapists. The aim of our research is to describe how change occurs in various forms of psychotherapies, and how we can improve clinical training to develop good therapists.
The current projects in our research group include studies of change in emotion-focused therapy (EFT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and mentalization-based therapy (MBT). We also study deliberate practice and clinical training, including responsiveness and interpersonal skills. We are working on studying new technologies such as video coding and virtual reality (VR) in therapist training.
Please contact us if you have any questions or are interested in hearing more about our research group.