Norwegian Criminal Insanity Law
Video presentations from the DIMENSIONS conference on legal, philosophical and psychiatric perspectives on mental disorder and criminal justice.

Main content
The conference shed light on legal, philosophical and psychiatric perspectives on mental disorder and criminal justice. The aim was to get a step closer to a common understanding of mental illness and insanity across different disciplines.
The conference included presentations on criminal insanity in Norwegian law, the philosophical foundations and justifications of the Norwegian model for criminal insanity, forensic psychiatry in Norway, and diagnosing and classificationsof psychiatric illness.
Therewas also a panel discussion focusing on contemporary challenges in Norwegian criminal law with representatives from the criminal justice system.
- The criminal insanity doctrine hinges in one direction on philosophical ideas of human agency and responsibility, and in another direction on psychiatric concepts and assessments of mental disorders, explains Linda Gröning, project manager of the DIMENSIONS project.
- The discussions of this conference has, however, reflected that the legal understanding of criminal insanity and how it relates to mental disorders is unclear. To comply with the rule of the law, we need to develop this understanding. Hopefully we will contribute to this through the research that we will carry out within the DIMENSIONS project, concludes Gröning.
Presentation slides from the conference can be downloaded via the links below the article.
VIDEO 1: The Legal Framework
Linda Gröning
1 - The Legal Framework
VIDEO 2: Philosophical Foundations and Justifications
Michael Moore, Stephen Morse
2 - Philosophical foundations and justifications
VIDEO 3: Perspectives from Psychiatry
Randi Rosenqvist, Rune A. Kroken